Application in the prescribed PRo- forma are invited form the Indian Citizen fulfilling the prescribed condition for undergoning Apprenticeship Training under ACT. 1561 and Apprenticeship Rule 1962 in the following designation trades in the following units of the following designated trades in EMU workshop Western Railway .
Western Railway Apprentice Recruitment 2017-18
(55 Posts)
Total No. of Posts :- 52 Vacancy
Name of The Posts :- Apprentice
- Electrician (52 Slots )
- Turner (02 Slots )
- Welder (01 Slot)
Education Qualification :- SSC with 50% Marks and ITI
Age Limits :- The Candidates should have completed 15 Year of age should not have completed 24 years of age as on Notification i.e 26.09.2017
Application Fee :- A Postal Order / Demand Draft of Rs. 100/- Payable to CHIEF CASHIER CHURCHGATE, WESTERN RAILWAY As processing fee which in not refundable is to enclosed with the application form Remittance of fee in any other from will not be accepted .No Fee required to be paid by SC/ST/PH/Woman candidates .
Mode of Selection :- Selection of the eligible candidates for imparting training under the Apprentice Act 1961 will be based on the merit list which would be prepared taking the average of percentages marks obtained the candidates in the both matriculation (with minimum 50% (aggregate) Marks ) and ITI examination equal weight age to both . There will be no writing Test or Viva
Important Notice of Western Railway Apprentice Recruitment 2018
For more information related to Western Railway Apprentice Recruitment 2018 you can see published notices. Please share this information with your friends and help them and visit daily on our website for daily employment.
Important Dates of Western Railway Apprentice Recruitment 2018
- Last Date of Submit Application Form :- 23/10/2017
Application Submit Address Given below :-
Chief Workshop Manager’s Office ,
EMU Workshop ,Mahalaxmi,
Mumbai -400013
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