The Oriental Insurance Company Limited., a leading Public Sector General Insurance Company & wholly owned by Government of India, invites applications for recruitment of 300 (Three Hundred) Officers in Scale I cadre from open market.
(Wholly Owned By Govt. of India)
REF NO: OICL/Rect/DRE-2016-17/AO-I
Total No. of Vacancies :300 Vacancies
Name of the Posts: – Administrative Officers (Scale-I)
Accounts :- 20 Vacancies
Actuaries :- 02 Vacancies
Engineers (Automobile) :- 15 Vacancies
Legal :- 30 Vacancies
Medical Officer :- 30 Vacancies
Generalist :- 223 Vacancies
Educational Qualification
Qualifications mentioned above should be from any of the recognized Indian Universities duly approved
by the UGC or any of the recognized Indian Institutes duly approved by AICTE.
- Accounts :- M.Com. with 55% for SC/ST and 60% for Others from a recognized University. / Chartered Accountants (ICAI)/Cost and Management Accountant (The Institute of Cost Accountants of India) earlier known as Cost and Wok Accountants (ICWAI)/MBA (Finance) with 55% for SC/ST and 60% for Others from a recognized University
- Actuaries :- Graduate with 55% for SC/ST and 60% for Others in any discipline from a recognized university & has passed 4 Actuarial Papers from Institute of Actuaries of India (IAI) or Institute and Faculty of Actuary, UK (IFoA).
- Engineers (Automobile) :- Graduate/Post Graduate Degree in engineering(4 or 5 Years) with automobile engineering as a subject, with 55% for SC/ST and 60% for Others from a recognized University.
- Legal :- Graduate in Law with 55% for SC/ST and 60% for Others from a recognized University.
- Medical Officer :- M.B.B.S.
- Generalist :- Graduate in any stream with 55% for SC/ST and 60% for Others from a recognized University
Age Limit as on 31.07.2017 :- Minimum Age: 21 years Maximum Age: 30 years, as on 31.07.2017
i.e. a candidate must have been born not earlier than 1st August 1987 and not later than 31st July 1996 (both dates inclusive).
Selection Procedure
- Phase-I: Preliminary Examination :- Preliminary Examination consisting of Objective Tests for 100 marks will be conducted online. This test would be of 1 hour duration consisting of 3 sections. please be sure to see the published notices for this job for exact information.
- Phase – II: Main Examination :- Main Examination will consist of Objective Tests for 200 marks and Descriptive Test for 30 marks. Both the Objective and Descriptive Tests will be online. Candidates will have to answer Descriptive Test by typing on the computer. Immediately after completion of Objective Test, Descriptive Test will be administered.
- Interview:- Candidates who have been shortlisted at the end of Phase-II will subsequently be called for an Interview to be conducted by the Company, up to three times the number of vacancies of respective stream/category. Interview will be conducted at select centres. The weightage (ratio) of online Examination and Interview will be 80:20 respectively. The centre, address of the venue, time & date of Interview will be informed to the shortlisted candidates in the call letter. Candidates are required to download their interview call letters from company’s website. Please note that any request regarding change in date, centre etc. of interview will not be entertained. However the company reserves the right to change the date/ venue/ time/ centre etc. of interview or hold supplementary process for particular date / session / venue / centre / set of candidates at its discretion, under unforeseen circumstances, if any.
- Final selection :- Final selection would be based on consolidated marks of main examination (objective test) & Interview. The final merit list shall be prepared in descending order of the consolidated marks secured by the candidates. Candidates who fall within the number of vacancies in the merit list shall be considered for appointment. The selected candidates may be appointed in more than one batch as per the discretion of the Management. The seniority of the selected candidates will be as per the merit / select list. A Waiting List of candidates not exceeding 50% of the number of vacancies may also be prepared and may be utilized in the event of non acceptance of employment offer by the candidates selected in the final merit list.
Application Fee (Non-Refundable): Payable on-line from 18.08.2017 to 15.09.2017 (both dates inclusive)
- SC/ ST / PWD :- Rs. 100/- (Intimation Charges Only)
- All candidates other than SC/ ST / PWD :- Rs. 600/- (Application fee including intimation charges)
*The transaction charge, if applicable, is to be borne by the candidate.
Fee/ Intimation charges once paid will NOT be refunded on any account nor can it be held reserve for any
other examination or selection.
Important Notice of ORIENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY Recruitment
For more information related to ORIENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY Recruitment you can see published notices. Please share this information with your friends and help them and visit daily on our website for daily employment.
Important Dates of ORIENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY Recruitment:-
- On line Registration commences from / Payment of fees :- 18/08/2017
- Last Date for Online Registration / payment of fees :- 15/09/2017
- Dates of online Examination :- Phase – I : 22.10.2017 (Tentative)
Phase – II : 18.11.2017 (Tentative)