If you are looking Bihar State Co-operative Bank Recruitment .You are on right place.we have good collection Bihar State Co-operative Bank career .Please scroll down and check out our collections. Read our The Bihar State Co-operative Bank Published Notification This year on 09-03-2021 of Assistant (Multipurpose) – 200 Posts . We are always committed to provide Bihar State Co-operative Bank Recruitment of Multipurpose Assistant 2021 – Online Application Form for whatsapp, facebook.
Bihar Co-operative Bank Recruitment-2021
Recruitment of Assistant (Multipurpose) in The Bihar State Cooperative Bank Ltd. and District Central Cooperative Banks
Advertisement No. 7251
The BSCB has been authorized as Nodal agency by the Registrar Cooperative Societies, Bihar, Patna, vide order no 5196 dt 14-11-2013 under section 44AV (D) of chapter VI-D of Bihar Co-operative societies (Amendment) 2008 to facilitate direct recruitment for itself and District Central Co-operative Banks in Bihar.
Advertisement for Assistant (Multipurpose) Total 200 posts in The Bihar State Cooperative Bank and 11 District Central Co-operative Banks of Bihar.
Total No. of Posts :- 200 Vacancy
Name of the Post:- Multipurpose Assistant
Name of Institution | Assistant (Multipurpose) (Total Post 19) |
The Bihar State Cooperative Bank Ltd. | 19 |
11 District Central Cooperative Banks :- | Assistant (Multipurpose) (Total Post 181) |
Bettiah | 07 |
Bhagalpur | 05 |
Gopalganj | 10 |
Sasaram | 23 |
ARA | 13 |
Aurangaba d | 09 |
Nawada | 19 |
Patliputra | 15 |
Sitamarhi | 27 |
Rohika | 29 |
Purnea | 12 |
Education Qulification (As on 01/01/2021) should be as follows :- A Graduation Degree in any subject from a recognized university, or any equivalent qualification recognized by the Govt. of India. Knowledge of Computer is essential. A basic Diploma in computer application (DCA) is required.
Age (as on 01/01/2021) : Minimum Age : 21 years; Maximum Age: 33 years ( As on 01/01/2021). Candidates born not earlier than 02.01.1988 and not later than 01.01.2000 (both days inclusive) are only eligible to apply. Relaxation in age shall be given to the following :
- SC/ST candidates shall get relaxation of 5 years and MBC/WBC/BC get relaxation of 3 years as per Bihar State Govt. rule.
- There is no reservation for EX-Serviceman so there is no relaxation in age and/or fee for them.
- Divyang (Physically Handicapped Person) Candidates shall get age relaxation by 10 years additionally in maximum age limit. She /He will have to produce necessary certificates in this respect.
- Relaxation of 5 years shall also be given to staff having working experience in Cooperative Banks registered in Bihar State.
EXAMINATION FEE :- Assistant (Multipurpose)
- Rs. 550/- (For SC/ST/PH)
- Rs. 750/-(For Gen. OBC and others)
HOW TO APPLY – Candidates can apply online only from 09-03-2021 to 26-03-2021 and no other mode of application will be accepted.
Important Date :-
- Online Registration of Application : 09/03/2021. to 26/03/2021
- Payment of Fees online : 09/03/2021 to 26/03/2021
- Online Examination Dates : April (Tentative)