Assam Rifles Recruitment Rally 2017 is a bomber vacancy for sport Quota .Application are invited from Indian citizen (male & female ) for filling up the post of Rifleman (General Duty) under sport Quota for the year 2017 in Assam Rifles ,Goverment of india , Ministry of Home Affairs . Selected candidates are liable to serve anywhere in india or outside the territory of india and will be governed by Assam Rifles Act and Rules . Recruitment Rally will be held at LaitKor , Shillong (Maghalaya) ,NRS – Guwahati ,From 30 September 2017 onward.
Full Details of Assam Rifles Recruitment Rally 2017
Officially Website :- http://assamrifles.gov.in/
- Name of vacant posts – Rifleman (General Duty)
- Number of vacant posts – 65 posts have Been allotted in following Disciplines :-
Archery : (Male And Female Both)
Boxing :(Male And Female Both)
Equestrian: (For Male Only)
Football : (Male And Female Both)
Jubo :(Male And Female Both)
Karate-DO :(Male And Female Both)
Taekwondo: (Male And Female Both) - Educational Qualification of Assam Rifles Recruitment Rally 2017 :- Matriculation from recognised Borad. please, please check the published notices for this information for exact information.
- Age limit is – Candidate should be between 18- 23 years of age as on 01-06-2017. Please see published notices for age relaxation and other information.
- Pay Scale and Other Allowance :- (Revised Pay Scale as per 7th CPC pay Matrix)Level – 3 (Rs. 21,700/- per Month )
- Application Fee and Payment Mode of Assam Rifles Recruitment Rally 2017:- The General Candidates And OBC category candidates should pay fee Rs. 100/- (Rupess One Hundred only) (Non Refundable) in the form of IPO (Indian Postal Order) . The IPO (Indian Postal Order) should be prepared in favor of Recruitment Branch ,HQ DGAR , shillong – 793010. SC/ST and Famale Candidates are exempted for payment of examination for payment of examination fees.
- Eligible and desirous candidates should send their application form duly filled in the prescribed format attached as Appendix addressed to
Candidates are required to enclose the photocopies of followning documents duly self attested while sending the application form .
- Copy of matriculation Certificate .
- Copies of sport certificate / achievements.
- Copy of SC/ST/OBC Candidates in the prescribed format as applicable.
- IPO of Rs. 100/- in favor of Recruitment Branch ,HQ DGAR , shillong – 793010
- Copy of Domicile /PRC issued by concerned authority .
Important Date of Assam Rifles Recruitment Rally 2017:-
- 30 days from the date of publication of this advertisement (Last Date 20/08/2017).
- 45 Days for Candidates belonging to far flung areas of States of NE Region ,Ladakh Division of J&K , Sikkim , Pangi Sub – Division of Chamba District , Lahaul & Spiti District of Himachal pardesh , A&N Island , Lakshdweep .(Last Date 04/08/2017).
For more information related to Assam Rifles Recruitment Rally 2017 you can see published notices. Please share this information with your friends and help them and visit daily on our website for daily employment
See #Official Notifications here And Application Form