Electronics Corporation of India Limited is leading Public Sector Company with a turnover of 1500 Crores(A Unit of Department of Atomic Energy) engaged in the area of Strategic Electronics with thrust on innovation & indigenization .ECIL has Diversified into strategic sector such as Nuclear ,Defence ,Security , Aerospace ,Information Technology ,Telecom and e-Governance .ECIL pioneered a number of products and Technologies include Solid State Television ,Digital Computer ,Cockpit Voice Recorders .Electronic Voting Machines ,Programmable logic Controllers ,Earth Station and Deep Space Network Antennas .ECIL has close Collaboration with National R&D Laboratories as well as academic Institutes and has been involved in the Project of National importance .ECIL invites application in the prescribe format for engagement of Trade apprentices under Apprenticeship ACT 1961 as per following details .
ECIL Apprentice Recruitment 2017 (275 Posts)
Total No. of Posts :- 275 Vacancy
Name of Posts :- Apprentice
- Trade :- Fitter (62 Seats)
- Trade :- Turner (10 Seats)
- Trade :- Machinist (02 Seats)
- Trade :- Machinist (G) (02 Seats)
- Trades :- Sheet Metal Worker (03 Seats)
- Trades :-Electrician (60 Seats)
- Trades :- Tool Maintenance Mechanic (03 Seats)
- Trades :- Tool & Die Maker (02 Seats)
- Trades :- Mechanic R&AC (09 Seats)
- Trades :- Motor Mechanic Vehicle (02 Seats)
- Trades :- Electronics (02 Seats)
- Trades :- Motor Mechanic Vehicle (02 Seats)
- Trades :- Electronics Mechanic /R & TV (85 Seats)
- Trades :- Painter (G) (03 Seats)
- Trades :- Copa (16 Seats)
- Trades :- Welder (07 Seats)
- Trades :-Plumber (03 Seats)
- Trades :- Carpenter (03 Seats)
- Trades :- Diesel Mechanic (03 Seats)
Education Qualification :- ITI Pass Certificate in respective Trade.
Age Limit :- Candidates should not be less than 14 years of age as on 01-01-2017.
Place of Training :- ECIL- Hyderabad -500062 .
Selection Procedure :- The Selection of Apprentices will be Based on the marks obtained by the Candidates in ITI.
Dully Filled application Form (Format attached ) in all respects should reach at the following address on or before 04/10/2017 by 17:00 hrs.
Deputy General Manager (CLDC),
Nalanda complex ,Near TIFR Building ,
ECIL – Post Hyderbad . 500062
Telengana State – Phone No. 04027186454 / 2279
Self attested copy of certificates to be enclosed :-
- Aadhar Card /e-Aadhar Copy
- SSC certificate cum marks memo
- ITI Certificate cum marks sheets
- Caste certificate if applicable
- PWD/ Disability certificate if applicable
- Recent pass port size photos -2 nos
Important Notice of ECIL Apprentice Recruitment 2017
For more information related to Indian Army Recruitment Rally Mandi 2017 you can see published notices. Please share this information with your friends and help them and visit daily on our website for daily employment.
Important Date of ECIL Apprentice Recruitment 2017
- Last Date of receipt of Applications :- 04/10/2017 upto 17:00 hrs
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