Applications are invited from eligible male candidates for recruitment of Religious Teachers in Indian Army as Junior Commissioned Officers for RRT 85 & 86 courses. Religious Teachers preach religious scriptures to troops and conduct various rituals at Regimental/Unit religious institutions. Their duties also include attending funerals, ministering to the sick in hospitals, reading prayers with the convalescents, visiting soldiers undergoing sentence, giving special religious instructions to the children and enlisted boys besides attending generally to the religious institutions and welfare of the Officers, Soldiers and their families.
website:- www.joinindianarmy.nic.in
Total No. of Posts :- 74 Vacancies
- Pandit :- 63 posts
- Granthi :- 02 Posts
- Padre :- 01 Posts
- Maulvi :- 01 Posts
- Pandit (Gorkha) for Gorkha Regiments :- 03 Posts only for Hindu(Gorkha) candidates
- Maulvi (Shia) for Ladakh Scouts :- 01 Posts only Ladakhi Muslim Shia Candidates
- Bodh Monk (Mahayana) for Ladakh Scouts :- 01 Posts for only Buddhist (Mahayana) candidates
Age Limit :-
- Civilian Candidates. 27 to 34 years of age as on 01 Oct 2018 (i.e. Candidates born between 01 Oct 1984 and 30 Sep 1991 inclusive of both dates).
- Serving Combatants on Remusteration. 25 to 34 years of age as on 01 Oct 2018 (i.e. Candidates born between 01 Oct 1984 and 30 Sep 1993 inclusive of both dates).
Educational Qualification.:- The minimum educational qualification for appointment to Junior Commissioned Officers (Religious Teacher) will be Graduate in any discipline from a recognized university. In addition to this they must also possess following qualification according to the religious denomination of the individual:-
- Pandit. :- Hindu candidates with Madhyama in Sanskrit or Bhushan in Hindi or equivalent standard in the regional language concerned. OR Those who have passed BA with Sanskrit / Hindi as one of the elective (Main) subjects but have not done Madhyama in Sanskrit or Bhushan in Hindi.
- Granthi. :- Sikh candidates with Vidwan in Punjabi or equivalent standard in the regional language concerned. OR Those who have passed BA with Punjabi as one of the elective (main) subjects but have not done Vidwan in Punjabi.
- Pandit (Gorkha) for Gorkha Regiment. Hindu (Gorkha) candidates with Madhyama in Sanskrit or Bhushan in Hindi or equivalent standard in the Nepali Language. OR Those who have passed BA with Sanskrit / Hindi as one of the elective (Main) subjects but have not done Madhyama in Sanskrit or Bhushan in Hindi
- Padre. Christian candidates who have been ordained priesthood by the appropriate ecclesiastical authority and is still on the approved list of the local Bishop
- Maulvi. Muslim candidates with Maulvi Alim in Arabic, Adib Alim in Urdu or equivalent standard in the regional language concerned. OR Those who have passed BA with Arabic/Urdu as one of the elective (Main) subject but who have not done Maulvi Alim in Arabic/Adib Alim in Urdu.
- Maulvi (Shia) for Ladakh Scouts. Muslim Shia Ladakh candidates with Maulvi Alim in Arabic, Adib Alim in Urdu or equivalent standard in the regional language concerned. OR Those who have passed BA with Arabic/Urdu as one of the elective (Main) subject but who have not done Maulvi Alim in Arabic/Adib Alim in Urdu.
- Bodh Monk (Mahayana). Buddhist (Mahayana) candidates who have been ordained Monk/Buddhist Priest, by the Appropriate Authority. The term Appropriate Authority will mean Head Priest of the Monastery where the person has been initiated into priesthood. The head priest should be in possession of Geshe (PhD) of Khanpa or Lopon or Rabjam with proper certificate from Monastery.
Note: – For service candidates applying for remustering the minimum qualification will be 10+2.
How to Apply.
- The recruitment will be carried out through all the Headquarters Recruiting Zones, Independent Recruiting Office (Delhi Cantt), GRD Kunraghat, Ladakh Scouts Regt Centre (Leh).
- Civil candidates must apply to the concerned HQ Recruiting Zone/IRO Delhi Cantt of which the individual is a permanent native/resident. Service candidates will apply to the nearest HQ Recruiting Zone of their place of posting.
- Civil Candidates can appear for screening and written exam only in the HQ Rtg Zone covering their place of domicile. Service candidates will appear in the Rtg Zone nearest to their place of posting.
- Application submitted to a different organization of which the candidate is not domicile of, will be rejected.
For more information related to INDIAN ARMY RELIGIOUS TEACHER RECRUITMENT 2017-18 you can see published notices. Please share this information with your friends and help them and visit daily on our website for daily employment.
- Online Registration. Online Registration will open on 10 Oct 2017 at 1000 hrs. Online registration will be closed on 08 Nov 2017 at 1700 hrs
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