About College of B.ed College Hazaribagh :- At GTTC, we are here not to produce just teachers, but to induce the social skills required in a good Citizen. We encourage the students for the cause of Nation Building. The primary duty of a College is to give direction to society and to channelize the energies of youth for productive and creative purposes. This has to be accompalished through education.Here at the college we are taking care of all round personality development leading towards excellence career by paying personal attention to every individual student. Our teachers are successfully detecting creative possibilities dormant in our students and encouraging them to reach new heights. I am sure that our students are now grown enough to realise the true spirit of education. Here I want to point out that education is not just passing examination and receiving Degrees, it is, at bottom, a simultaneous development of body and mind and the true aim of education is building up of sound character.
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Govt. Teacher Training College, Hazaribagh B.Ed 2018-20 Admission 2018
प्रकाशित औपबंधिक मास्टर मेघा सूची पर किसी अभ्यर्थी को कोई आपत्ति है, तो अपनी आपत्ति सभी संगत प्रमाण-पत्र / साक्ष्यों के साथ जो स्वः अभिप्रमाणित हो निबंधित डाक/स्पीड पोस्ट के माध्यम से दिनांक 25.06.2018 के अपराह्न 03ः00 बजे तक अद्योहस्ताक्षरी कार्यालय में स्वीकार होगा। निर्धारित तिथि एवं समय के बाद प्राप्त आपत्ति विचारनीय नहीं होगा।
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