Separate Applications (on prescribed proforma which can be downloaded from the official website of the Allahabad High Court i.e. www.allahabadhighcourt.in) are invited from the eligible Indian Nationals for filling up the various Class IV posts i.e. Sweeper, Cook, Mali and Farrash in the establishment of High Court, Allahabad and Lucknow Bench, Lucknow. The candidate must possess minimum requisite educational qualification, experience and other qualifications for being selected against the vacancies as prescribed in the relevant rules/ advertisement for each Post. These posts are being filled up under the Allahabad High Court Officers and Staff (Conditions of Service and Conduct) Rules, 1976 and the orders issued from Hon’ble the Chief Justice in this regard from time to time. The candidate is required to submit separate application form for each Post i.e. Sweeper, Cook, Mali and Farrash with separate prescribed examination fees.
Allahabad high court (Class IV) RECRUITMENT EXAMINATION-2018
ADVERTISEMENT No. 01/Sweeper/Cook/Mali/Farrash(Class IV)/2018
Allahabad high court VACANCY DETAILS :-
Total No. of Vacancy :- 91 Posts
Name of the Post
- Sweeper (67 vacancies)
- Cook (03 vacancies)
- Mali (03 vacancies)
- Farrash (18 vacancies)
Educational Qualification :– Class-V pass with minimum experience of one year of work as such in the category concerned in any organisation of the Government or instrumentality of the state. Such experience must be duly certified by the officer of the organisation concerned.
Age Limit :- A candidate for recruitment to the service must have attained the age of 18 years and must not have attained the age of more than 35 years on the 1st July of the year in which advertisement is published. The candidate should not be born before 2 nd July, 1983 and not born after 1 st July, 2000.The upper age limit shall be relaxable upto 5 years belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes, Dependents of Freedom Fighters, skilled Sports Person and for other categories as such years as notified in relation to the State of Uttar Pradesh in accordance with the G.O.s issued by the Government and orders passed by the Hon’ble Chief Justice from time to time.
Application Fee :- The fee structure of the recruitment is as follows:-
- General (Unreserved) /Other Backward Class of U.P. :- Examination Fees Rs. 300/- in the shape of Demand Draft issued in favour of Registrar General , High Court of Judicature at Allahabad Payable at Allahabad.
- Scheduled Caste of U. P. /Scheduled Tribe of U. P. :- Examination Fees Rs. 200 in the shape of Demand Draft issued in favour of Registrar General , High Court of Judicature at Allahabad,Payable at Allahabad.
SELECTION PROCEDURE:- Selection for the post of Sweeper, Cook, Mali and Farrash shall be on the basis of marks obtained by a candidate out of maximum of 20 marks, which shall be as follows:-
- Experience (2 marks per year of experience):- 10 Marks
- Interview :- 10 Marks
How to Apply :- Duly filled application forms, accompanied with attested copies of documents/marksheets/ certificates etc. in support of age, qualification, experience, claiming reservation etc., are to reach 5 from 06.02.2018 upto 26.02.2018 (i.e. last date for submission of application form) through Registered/Speed post. Application form received after last date shall not be entertained. High Court shall not be responsible for any postal delay. Name of the post applied for alongwith advertisement no. with date must be super-scripted on the top of the envelop containing application form. Duly filled Offline Application Forms are to be sent at below address:-
Regional Office, Aptech Limited, 1st Floor, Levana Cyber Heights
Opp. Indira Gandhi Pratisthan, Vibhuti Khand
Gomti Nagar, Lucknow-226010
Important Notice of Allahabad high court (Class IV) RECRUITMENT EXAMINATION-2018
For more information related to Allahabad high court (Class IV) RECRUITMENT EXAMINATION-2018 . you can see published notices. Please share this information with your friends and help them and visit daily on our website for daily employment.
Note :- Before Submit Application Form Kindly Read Advertisement Carefully
Important Dates of Allahabad high court (Class IV) RECRUITMENT EXAMINATION-2018 :-
- Start date for submission of Application form :- 06/02/2018
- Last date for submission of application form :- 26/02/2018
Download Advertisement /Exam Syllabus of Allahabad high court (Class IV) RECRUITMENT EXAMINATION-2018
Application form for the post of Sweeper
Application form for the post of Cook
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