Civil Court Patna Requirement Such persons (women / men), who are vulnerable and ‘holy’ classes without financial benefits, He is interested in the upliftment and wants to work for them. The teacher (retired) Teacher), retired government servant, senior citizen, Agganbadi ‘. Workers, doctors, students, Gere Government Organization ‘and’ Club Member, Self Service Group, Friendship Group, Living Member etc. And other people who are interested in self service ‘, and who are considered’ legal service authority, The former may be able to re-apply the selected mercury legal self-service (the advocate to the advocate).
[ऐसे व्यक्ति (महिला/ पुरूष) जो बिना आर्थिक लाभ कं समाज कं कमजोर वगों कं उत्थान में रूचि रखते है तथा उनकं लिए कार्यं करना चाहते हैं इनमे’ शिक्षक (सेवानिवृत्त शिक्षक सहित), सेवानिवृत्त सरकारी सेवक, वरिष्ठ नागरिक, अग्गनबाडी’. कार्यक़न्तो, डॉक्टर, छात्र, गेर सरकारी सगठन’ एव’ क्लब कं सदस्य, स्वयं सेवा समूह, मैत्री समूह, जीविका आदि कं सदस्य एवं अन्य व्यक्ति जो स्वयं सेवा में रूचि स्खते हो’ तथा जिन्हे’ विधिक सेवा प्राधिकारी ठीक समझें, पूर्व ने चयनित पारा विधिक स्वयं सेवक (अधिवक्ता को छोस्का.) भी पुन: आवेदन दे सकता है]
Full Details of Civil Court Patna Requirement 2017
Advertisement for requirement for the post of PLVs under District Legal Services Authority, Patna
- Number of vacant Posts – 150 Posts
- Name of vacancies – PLVs
- Educational Qualification – 10th Class Or its equivalent, please be sure to see the published notices for this job for exact information.
- How To Apply :- Application can be completed in the prescribed form, like the full application of your academic and other qualifications By posting the certificates, near the postal department, “postal mail” or handicraft office, District Legal The service authority Patna can deposit in what. Application received till 03.08.2017 Can be done
- Salary :- Rs 250 / – per day But “this honorable statement will be payable for those special days on which Legal Service Authority is the person who wishes to do a special job or a self-appointed servant Right to Service Person or ADR for Legal Services Bring it to the stomach or In your area, legal awareness plays an active role in Shiva Camp.
Important Notice of Civil Court Patna Requirement
For more information related to Civil Court Patna Requirement you can see published notices. Please share this information with your friends and help them and visit daily on our website for daily employment.
Important Dates of Civil Court Patna Recruitment :-
- Last Date of Submit Application From:- 04/08/2017