If you are looking Social Visakhapatnam Cooperative Bank Recruitment You are on right place.we have good collection of Visakhapatnam Cooperative Bank Recruitment . Please scroll down and check out our collections. Read our Visakhapatnam Cooperative Bank LIMITED is Published Notification This year on 09-11-2020 of Recruitment Notification for Probationary officer (Asst Manager) Vacancies.
Visakhapatnam Cooperative Bank Recruitment 2020
Name of Post :- Probationary officer (Asst Manager)
No. of Posts :- 30 Posts
- The candidate must be a 1st Class Graduates from recognized university.
- Candidate should have proficiency in speaking, writing and reading English and Telugu languages.
- Computer Knowledge is required.
Application Fee (Non Refundable) :- The application fee is Rs.900/- (including GST) which is not refundable.
Age limit :- The age of the applicant should be Minimum 20 and up to Maximum 30 Years as on 31-12-2020.
(Should have born between 01-01-1991 to 31-12-2000 both days inclusive). Staff working in The Visakhapatnam Cooperative Bank Ltd., can also apply if there are otherwise eligible.
आवेदन कैसे करें (How to Apply)
- इच्छुक उम्मीदवार Online आवेदन कर सकते हैं इसके लिए नीचे दिए गए आवेदन लिंक पर क्लिक करें, कृपया आवेदन करने से पहले ऑफीशियल Visakhapatnam Cooperative Bank Notification जरूर चेक करें।
Dates For Visakhapatnam Cooperative Bank Job
- नौकरी प्रकाशित होने की तिथि: 10-11-2020
- आवेदन करने के लिए अंतिम तिथि: 30-11-2020