Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission UPPSC Allahabad has issued a notification for Assistant Teacher LT. Grade vacancies Male, Female Candidates on regular basis. Eligible candidates can apply Online Application Form . Kindly Download full advertisement Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee & how to apply are Download given below…
Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) is starting recruiting process online for trained male and female teachers for 10,768 posts from March 15, 2018. This is the largest recruiting exam as far as the number of vacancies is concerned. UPPSC has released a brief notification in this regard. The commission is going to release a detailed advertisement on March 15,2018
The Candidates are not required to send hard copy of their OnLine Application Form. The Candidates shall be allowed to appear in the examination provisionally on the basis of claims as made in their OnLine Application Form regarding Academic Qualifications / reservation etc., and under the conditions of being selected, their Selection / Candidature shall be totally provisional. The Candidates shall have to submit the hard copy of their On-Line Application Form alongwith original and self attested photocopies regarding their Academic / Reservation Certificates in support of their claims as rendered in the On-Line Application Form. If the claims made in their On-Line Application Form are not substantiated by the relevant documents, their Candidature / Selection shall be rejected and they can be debarred from all the future examinations / selections made by the Commission also including other appropriate penalties. In this connection, a separate press communique shall be published in due course by the Commission.
Assistant Teacher (Trained Graduate Grade
Men / Women Branch) Examination – 2018
UPPSC 10768 LT Grade Teacher Recruitment 2018
Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission
Assistant Teacher (Trained Graduate Grade Men / Women Branch) Examination – 2018
Advt No. : A-1/E-1/2018 Short Details of Notification
UPPSC Teacher Vacancy Details :-
Total no. of Posts :- 10768 posts
Name of Posts :- Assistant Teacher LT Grade
Subject wise/Reservation wise detail of vacancies of Assistant Teacher
(Trained Graduate Grade / Men Branch ) (5364 Posts)
- Hindi :- 696 Posts
- English :- 645 Posts
- Math :- 561 Posts
- Science :- 571 Posts
- Social Science :- 926 Posts
- Computer :- 898 Posts
- Urdu :- 71 Posts
- Biology :- 336 Posts
- Sanskrit :- 274 Posts
- Arts :- 192 Posts
- Music :- 08 Posts
- Commerce :- 26 Posts
- Physical Education :- 140 Posts
- Home Science :- 01 post
- Agriculture :- 19 Posts
Subject wise/Reservation wise detail of vacancies of Assistant Teacher (Trained Graduate Grade / Women Branch) (5364 Posts)
- Hindi :- 737 Posts
- English :- 645 Posts
- Math :- 474 Posts
- Science :- 474 Posts
- Social Science :- 928 Posts
- Computer :- 775 Posts
- Urdu :- 62 Posts
- Biology :- 259 Posts
- Sanskrit :- 242 Posts
- Arts :- 275 Posts
- Music :- 60 Posts
- Commerce :- 03 Posts
- Physical Education :- 168 Posts
- Home Science :- 269 post
EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION: The candidates must possess Bachelor’s Degree from any recognized University or equivalent qualification upto the last date for receipt of On-Line application. This should be mentioned by the candidates in the relevant Column of their On-Line application form. Educational Qualifications for the different subjectwise posts as specified in the relevant service Rules are as follows:-
- Assistant Teacher (Men / Women) Hindi :- Bachelor’s degree with Hindi as a subject from a recognised University in India and Intermediate with Sanskrit as a subject or equivalent examination with Sanskrit.and B.Ed. or equivalent degree from a recognised University in India.
- Assistant Teacher (Men / Women) English :- Bachelor’s degree with English literature from a recognised University in India or an equivalent degree recognised by the Government. and B.Ed. or equivalent degree from a recognised University in India.
- Assistant Teacher (Men / Women) Math :- Bachelor’s degree with Mathematics as a subject from a recognised University in India . And B.Ed. or equivalent degree from a recognised University in India.
- Assistant Teacher (Men / Women) Science :- Bachelor’s degree with Physics and Chemistry as subjects from a recognised University in India or an equivalent degree recognised by the Government. and B.Ed. or equivalent degree from a recognised University in India.
- Assistant Teacher (Men/Women) Social Science :- Bachelor’s degree with at least any two of the subjects amongst the subjects History, Geography, Political Science and Economics from a recognized University in India. And B.Ed. or equivalent degree from a recognised University in India.
- Assistant Teacher (Men/Women) Computer :- B.Tech. / B.E. (in Computer Science) from a recognised University in India. OR B.Sc. in Computer Science. OR B.Sc in Computer Application, OR Bachelor of Computer Application or Bachelor’s degree with ‘A’ Level course from NIELIT. and B.Ed. or equivalent degree from a recognised University in India.
- Assistant Teacher (Men / Women) Urdu :- Bachelor’s degree with Urdu as one of the subjects from a recognised University in India or equivalent degree from a University recognised by the Government and B.Ed. or equivalent degree from a recognised University in India.
- Assistant Teacher (Men / Women) Biology :- Bachelor’s degree with Zoology and Botany from a recognised University in India or equivalent degree recognised by the Government. and B.Ed. or an equivalent degree from a recognised University in India.
- Assistant Teacher (Men / Women) Sanskrit :- Bachelor’s degree with Sanskrit as one of the subjects from a recognised University in India or equivalent degree from a University recognised by the Government. and B.Ed. or equivalent degree from a recognised University in India.
- Assistant Teacher (Men / Women) Arts :- Bachelor’s degree with Art subject or Fine Arts from a recognised University in India.and B.Ed. or equivalent degree from a recognised University in India.
- Assistant Teacher (Men/Women) Music :- Bachelor’s degree with Music as a subject from a recognised University in India. OR Bachelor’s degree from a recognised University in India with Sangeet Visharad from Bhatkhande Sangeet Mahavidyalaya or Sangeet Prabhakar from Prayag Sangeet Samiti, Allahabad. Note- No quality points shall be allocated for Sangeet Visharad or Sangeet Prabhakar. And B.Ed. degree from a recognised University in India.
- Assistant Teacher (Men/Women) Commerce :- Bachelor’s degree in Commerce from a recognised University in India or any equivalent degree recognised by the Government. and B.Ed. or equivalent degree from a recognised University in India.
- Assistant Teacher (Men/Women) Physical Education :- Bachelor’s degree from a recognised University in India. AND B.P.Ed. or B.P.E. degree from a recognised University in India.
- Assistant Teacher (Men/Women) Home Science :- bachelor’s degree with in Home Science as a subject from a recognised University in India.AND B.Ed. or equivalent degree from a recognised University in India.
- Assistant Teacher (Men/Women) Agriculture / Horticulture:- Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture / Horticulture from a recognised University in India. AND B.Ed. or equivalent degree from a recognised University in India.
AGE LIMIT of UPPSC Assistant Teacher:
- Candidates must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have crossed the age of 40 years on July 1, 2018 i.e. they must have not been born earlier than 2nd July, 1978 and not later than July 1, 1997. For PH candidates, the maximum age limit is 55 years i.e. they must have not been born before 02nd July, 1963.
- Relaxation in Upper Age Limit: (a) Upper age limit shall be greater by five years for candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes of U.P., Scheduled Tribes of U.P., Other Backward Classes of U.P., Skilled players of U.P. of Classified Games, State Govt. Employees of U.P. including Teachers/Staff of the Basic Shiksha Parishad of U.P. and Teachers / Staff of the Government Aided Madhyamik Vidyalayas of U.P. i.e. they must have not been born before 2nd July, 1973. (Only domiciled persons of U.P. are entitled for such age relaxation) (b) Upper age limit shall be greater by fifteen years for physically handicapped persons of U.P. (c) Upper age limit for the Emergency Commissioned Officers / Short Service Commissioned Officers / Ex-Army Personnels of U.P, the Age relaxation and reservation shall be given according to Rule. No relaxation is admissible in upper age limit for D.F.F. Candidates.
Application Fee: In the ON-LINE Application process, after completing the procedure of first stage, Category wise prescribed examination fee is to be deposited as per instructions provided in second stage. The prescribed fee of examination for different categories is as under:-
- Unreserved / Other Backward Class (UR/OBC)- Exam fee Rs. 100/- + On-line processing fee
Rs. 25/- Total = Rs. 125/- - Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST)- Exam fee Rs. 40/- + On-line processing fee
Rs. 25/- Total = Rs. 65/- - Handicapped – Exam fee NIL + On-line processing fee
Rs. 25/- Total = Rs. 25/- - Dependents of the -According to their original category
What’s New on UPPSC Assistant Teacher Recruitment 2018
- Recruitment Conducted By Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission, Allahabad
- Selection is Based on Written Exam and Interview.
- New Examination Syllabus and Pattern Will be Available Shortly
How to Apply online for UPPSC Assistant Teacher
Recruitment ?
- On-Line Applications will be accepted only when prescribed fee is deposited in the Bank upto prescribed last date for fee deposition. If the fee is deposited in Bank after the last date prescribed for fee deposition, the on-line application of the candidate will not be accepted and the fee deposited in the Bank will not be refunded in any condition. It will be responsibility of the candidates to deposit fee in the Bank upto the last date prescribed for fee deposition and to ‘submit’ the application upto the last date prescribed for submission of applications. It is also informed that less or more amount deposited in the form of examination fee shall not be refunded in any condition.
- In Online Application System, the candidates have to provide their Mobile No. in prescribed column failing which their Basic Registration shall not be completed. All relevant informations / instructions shall be sent through SMS on that mobile.
Important Notice of UPPSC Assistant Teacher Recruitment 2018
For more information related to UP Assistant Teacher Recruitment 2018 . you can see published notices. Please share this information with your friends and help them and visit daily on our website for daily employment.
Note :- Before Submit Application Form Kindly Read Advertisement Carefully
Important Dates of UPPSC Assistant Teacher Recruitment 2018 :-
- Notification Issued : 15/03/2018
- Application Begin : 15/03/2018
- Last Date for Apply Online : 12/04/2018
- Last Date Pay Exam Fee : 12/04/2018
- Last Date Complete Form : 16/04/2018
- Exam Date : Notified Soon
Official Website: http://uppsc.up.nic.in
Important Link of UPPSC Assistant Teacher Jobs 2018
Click Here:–UPPSC Assistant Teacher Recruitment Notification (Hindi)
Click Here:–UPPSC Assistant Teacher Recruitment Notification (English)
Click Here:–Online Application Form