Application are invited in the prescribed proforma enclose form eligble Indian National for Engagement ac Act/Trade Apprentices on Railway under Apprentices Act 1961 . The Notification can be downloaded from the Web site http://www.sr.indianrailways.gov.in.
Southern Railway Apprentices Recruitment 2018
Notification NO: 001/2018 for Engagement of Act/Trade Apprentices under Apprentices Act 1961
Southern Railway VACANCY DETAILS :-
Total No. of Vacancy :- 457 Posts
Name of Posts :- Apprentices
- Fitter Trade :- 122 posts
- Machinist Trade :- 12 posts
- Turner Trade :- 10 posts
- Welder (Gas&Electric) Trade :- 83 posts
- Advance Welder Trade :- 04 posts
- Electrician Trade :- 102 posts
- Electronics Mechanics Trade :- 16 posts
- Painter Trade :- 09 posts
- Carpenter Trade :- 19 posts
- Diesel Mechanic Trade :- 19 posts
- Plumber Trade :- 10 posts
- Wireman Trade :- 07 posts
- Refrigeration and AC Mechanic Trade :- 02 posts
- Electronics/information Technology Trade :- 09 posts
- Instrument Mechanic Trade :- 01 posts
- Draughtsman (Civil) Trade :- 10 posts
- Fresher MTL(Radiology) Trade :- 03 posts
- Fresher MTL(Pathology) Trade :- 03 posts
- Fitter (Fresher) Trade :- 16 posts
Educational Qualification:-
- Fitter, Machinist, Turner :- Should have passed 10th Class Examination under 10 +2 system of education or its equivalent and also possess National Trade certificate in the notified trade issued by the National Council for Vocational Training.
- Carpenter,Painter, Welder (Gas & Electric), Wireman :- Should have passed 8th Class Examination under 10 +2 system of education with science as one of the Subjects, or its equivalent and should also possess National Trade Certificate in the notified trade issued by National Council for Vocational Training.
- Plumber :- Should have passed 10th Class Examination under 10 +2 system of education with science as one of the Subjects, or its equivalent and should also possess National Trade Certificate in the notified trade issued by National Council for Vocational Training.
- Electrician :- Should have passed 10th Class Examination under 10 +2 system of education with science as one of the Subjects, or its equivalent and should also possess National Trade Certificate in the notified trade issued by National Council for Vocational Training.
- Electronics Mechanic/ Refrigeration and Air conditioning Mechanic/Draughtsman(Civil) :- Should have passed 10th Class Examination under 10 +2 system of education with science as one of the Subjects(Physics and Chemistry) and Mathematics or its equivalent and should also possess National Trade Certificate in the notified trade issued by National Council for Vocational Training.
- Mechanic (Diesel) Maintenance/Advance Welder/Electronic/Information Technology/Instrument Mechanic :- Should have passed 10th Class Examination or its equivalent and also possess National Trade certificate in the notified trade issued by the National Council for Vocational Training.
- Medical Laboratory Technician (Radiology) / (Pathology):- Should have passed 12th Class Examination under 10 +2 system of education with physics, chemistry and Biology.
- Fitter :- Should have passed 10th Class Examination under 10 +2 system of education.
Age Limit :- The age as on 23.01.2018 should have completed minimum15years of age and should not have completed 24 years (Ex.ITI)/22 years (Fresher – Fitter)as on the cut – off date for receiving of application ie 22.02.2018.
Application Fee :- The Processing fee/Cost of application fee is Rs.100(Rupees Hundred only) which is not refundable is to be enclosed with the application form in this connection necessary Postal order should be drawn in favour of the Work Shop Personnel Officer/S&T Work Shop, Southern Railway-Podanur, Coimbatore-641 023 Payable at Coimbatore.
MODE OF SELECTION:- Selection will be on the basis of merit list prepared in respect of all the candidates who apply against the notification. The merit list will be prepared by Committee nominated for the purpose on the basis of percentage of marks in matriculation (with minimum 50% (aggregate) marks) plus ITI marks. The Minimum percentage of 50% marks in aggregated in matriculation which is not applicable to SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen/PWD candidates. In case of two candidates having the same marks, the candidates having older age shall be preferred. In case the dates of birth are also same, then the candidate who passed matriculation exam earlier shall be considered first.
- Applications must be submitted only in the prescribed format.
- One passport size photo should be pasted in the application in the space provided duly attested by Gazetted Officer.
- Applications form may be collected from the Chief Work shop Manager’s Office/S&T/WS/Podanur, or Welfare inspector/S&T/WS/PTJ between 10.00 hrs and 13.00 hrs (on all working days) from 23.01.2018 to 22.02.2018. The application can also be down loaded from the Website.
- No processing/Cost of application fee for SC/ST/PWD/Women candidates but they should enclose the attested copy of the Community certificate issued by Competent Authority (Revenue Authorities not below the rank of Tahsildar for SC/ST and RDO for ST(in the case of Tamil Nadu Candidates)without which will not be entertained. ONLY ONE APPLICATION will be provided to one person and willing candidates may also apply for the same by taking photocopy of the application format enclosed along with the Notification. Any application without enclosing valid Postal order will summarily be rejected without any intimation in this regard. The processing fee/cost of application paid by the candidates or in the event of cancellation of notified vacancies will not be refunded. Submission of Application: The filled in application may be sent by Ordinary Post/Dropped into the sealed box at S&T/Work shop/Podanur on or before 22.02.2018super scribed as “Application for Apprenticeship Training Ex.ITI” /Fresher
- Trade:____________ and sent only by ordinary post /Registered post or drop at S&T/WSto
The Work Shop Personnel Officer,
Office of the Chief Work Shop Manager,
Signal & Telecommunication Work Shop,
Southern Railway – Podanur
Coimbatore – District Tamil Nadu – 641 023
Important Notice of Southern Railway Apprentices Recruitment 2018
For more information related to Southern Railway Apprentices Recruitment 2018 . you can see published notices. Please share this information with your friends and help them and visit daily on our website for daily employment.
Note :- Before Submit Application Form Kindly Read Advertisement Carefully
Important Dates of Southern Railway Apprentices Recruitment 2018 :-
- Last Date of application: The filled application should have reached to S&T/Work shop Podanur on or before 22.02.2018 17.15hrs. The Administration is not responsible for any postal delay and the belated applications will not be entertained under any circumstances.