RRC, North Western Railway Sport Person Bharti Online Form➥उत्तर पश्चिम रेल /रेलवे भारतीय द्वारा हल ही में Sport Person (Sport Quota) के कुल 54 पदों पर भर्ती के लिए इच्छुक उमिद्वारो से Online प्रक्रिया द्वारा आवेदन मांगे थे, जिसमे Sport Person (Sport Quota) के पद सामिल है। जिसमे उमिद्वारो का सिलेक्शन लिखित परीक्षा और इंटरव्यू के माध्यम से किया जायेगा। जिसको लेकर उत्तर पश्चिम रेल /रेलवे भारतीय ने ऑनलाइन आवेदन पत्र स्वीकार करना की घोषणा की है । इस आर्टिकल में हमRrc north western railway sports quota salary , Rrc north western railway sports quota eligibility , Rrc north western railway sports quota apply online , Rrc north western railway sports quota apply , east coast railway sports quota recruitment 2023 , sports quota bharti 2023-24 , income tax sports quota recruitment 2023 , sports quota jobs in private companies , RRC, North Western Railway Sport Person भर्ती का ऑनलाइन आवेदन पत्र ,एडमिट कार्ड ,लिखित परीक्षा और इंटरव्यू की तिथि से जुडी पूरी जानकारी देख सकते है।
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RRC, North Western Railway Sport Person (Sport Quota) – Overview Details जानकारी
Authority Name | उत्तर पश्चिम रेल /रेलवे भारतीय |
Article Name | RRC, North Western Railway Recruitment |
Post Name | Sport Person (Sport Quota) |
Number of Vacancies | 54 Posts |
Exam Date | As per Schedule |
Advt. Number | Employment Notice No. 05/2023 (NWR/ Sports/Open Advt.) |
Job Location | North Western Railway Zone |
Article Category | RRC Job |
Official Website | http://www.rrcjaipur.in/ |
RRC, RAipur Recruitment :उत्तर पश्चिम रेल /रेलवे भारतीय Sport Person (Sport Quota) भर्ती के लिए Notice हुआ जारी
Sports Person | |
Game Name | Total |
Badminton | 03 |
Basketball | 15 |
Cross Country | 04 |
Table Tennis | 02 |
Wrestling | 06 |
Athletics | 09 |
Volleyball | 02 |
Shooting | 02 |
Boxing | 02 |
Cycling | 04 |
Cricket | 03 |
Kabaddi | 02 |
RRC, RAipur Recruitment Qualification – Candidate Should Posses 10th, ITI, 12th, Degree, B.Sc, Graduation from any of the recognized boards or Universities.
Age Limit (as on 01-01-2024)
- Minimum Age Limit: 15 Years
- Maximum Age Limit: 25 Years
- Age relaxation is applicable for SC/ ST/ OBC candidates as per rules.
Application Fee
- All Other Candidates: Rs. 500/-
- SC/ST/Women/Minorities/ EBC Candidates: Rs. 250/-
- Mode of Payment: Online
How to Fill : RRC Raipur Recruitment Online Form 2023
- Apply online for RRC Raipur Sport Quota Recruitment Advt No. 05/2023 (NWR/ Sports/Open Advt.) Recruitment 2023.
- First: In this, the candidate will have to login with his personal information, the information that has to be given is: PET Registration Number, Date of Birth, Gender, Domicile and Category.
- Second : In this, the candidate will have to login through his OTP, the information that has to be given is: RRC Raipur 2023 Registration Number and OTP Password.
- After login, the complete information of the candidate, his photo and signature will also be visible, the candidate will have to fill the information related to the post he is asking for and the application fee: Rs.25/- will have to be paid.
- Kindly Check and Collect the All Document – Eligibility, ID Proof, Address Details, Basic Details.
- Kindly Ready Scan Document Related to Recruitment Form – Photo, Sign, ID Proof, Etc.
- Before Apply Online / Submit Application Form Must Check the Preview and All Column Carefully.
- Take A Print Out of Final Submitted Form.
Important Dates
- Starting Date for Apply Online & Payment of Fee: 15-09-2023
- Last Date for Apply Online & Payment of Fee: 15-10-2023