Application are invited from the eligible permanent residents of District Kishtwar for filling up the following class – IV Post in Revenue Department in the pay scale of Rs. 4440-7440+ GP 1300 as per the details and breakup given as under.
Revenue Department , Kishtwar Recruitment 2018
Goverment of Jammu & Kashmir
Distruct Kevek Committee for Recruitment to the Class IV Posts in Revenue Department of District Kishtwar
Advertisement Notice No.: DCK/Recruitment/01 of 2018
Revenue Department , Kishtwar Vacancy Details:-
Total No. of Vacancy :- 64Posts(OM-38, RBA-13, SC-06, OSC-01,ST-06)
Name of Post :- Class IV
Educational Qualification:-
- Minimum Matriculation from recognized Board / University.
- Maximum 10+2 from recognized Board / University.
- The Degrees Diploma obtained through distance mode /study centre mode except from IGNOU and DOEACC/ MANNU shall not be entertained / considered unless such Degrees / Diplimas are recognized by State board of School Education J&K.
Age limit as on 01-02-2018:- Below the age of 18 years and above age of
- 40 Years in case of Open Merit
- 43 Years in Case of SC/ST/RRA/OSC Candidates
- 42 years in case of physically challenged candidates
- 40 years in case of candidate already in Govt. Service
- 48 years in case of EX-Serviceman.
Application Fee / Mode of Payment :- Demand Draft of Rs.100/- from any branch of J&K Bank in Favour of addl. Deputy commissioner , Kishtwar.
How to Apply :- The Application form duly filled complete in all respects should be delivered by hand or registered post which must reach in the office of Deputy Commissioner Kishtwar within 27th March 2018 from the issuance of this advertisement Notice against proper receipt.
Important Notice of Revenue Department , Kishtwar Recruitment 2018
For more information related to Revenue Department , Kishtwar Recruitment 2018. you can see published notices. Please share this information with your friends and help them and visit daily on our website for daily employment.
Note :- Before Submit Application Form Kindly Read Advertisement Carefully
- Date of Submission of Application Form is 26/02/2018
- Last Date for receipt of Application : 27/03/2018 (before 4.00 PM).