If you are looking Rail Wheel Plant Apprentices Recruitment .You are on right place.we have good collection of the News Rail Wheel Plant Bela career .Please scroll down and check out our collections. Read our Rail Wheel Plant Bela Published Notification This year on 22-08-2021 of Apprentices – 192 Posts.
Application are invited from eligible candidates for engagement as Apprentices under the Apprentices ‘ Act 1961’ in the under Mentioned desgnated Trades for the Year 2021-22 in this Factory . The Requriement given below is tentative and this administration Reserves the right to modify them.
Total Seats :- 192 Seats
Post Name :– Apprentice
Designated Trades | No of Seats |
Fitter | 85 |
Machinist | 31 |
Mechanic Motor Vechicle | 8 |
Turner | 5 |
CNC Programming cum Opertator (COR Group) | 23 |
Electrician | 18 |
Electronic Mechanic | 22 |
Age Limit as on 13.09.2021 :- The Candidates should have completed 15 years of age and should not have completed 24 years as on 13.09.2021.
Education Qualificaiton :- 10th Pass.
How to Apply:- Applicaiton duly filled – in all resects can either be dropped in the sealted drop box kept in the Office of principal chief Personnel Officer, Personnel Department , Rail Wheel Factory , Yalahanka , Bengalore -560064 al the Working Days.
Important Dates For Rail Wheel Plant – Job
- नौकरी प्रकाशित होने की तिथि: 22-08-2021
- आवेदन करने के लिए अंतिम तिथि: 13-09-2021