On line applications are invited in the prescribed format for engagement of 101 Act-Apprentices for imparting training in Technical Training Centre, Rail Coach Factory (Kapurthala) under the Apprenticeship Act,1961, for the following trades. The eligible candidates can register their applications online on the prescribed proforma on the authorized website www.rcf.indianrailways.gov.in of Rail Coach Factory, Kapurthala by 21.09.2017 upto 17.00 hours. On 21.09.2017, after 17.00 hours, this link will be inactive.Apply Online for training under ACT Apprenticeship Act 1961
Rail Coach Factory Apprentices Recruitment 2017
Engagement of Act Apprentices for training under the Apprenticeship Act.1961
Notice No.A-1/2017 Dated 23.08.2017
Rail Coach Factory Vacancy Details :-
Total No. Of Posts :- 101 Vacancies
Name of Posts :- Apprentice
- Fitter :- 25 Vacancies
- Welder (G&E) :- 27 Vacancies
- Machinist :- 08 Vacancies
- Painter (G) :- 07 Vacancies
- Carpenter :- 07 Vacancies
- Mechanic (Motor Vehicle) :- 04 Vacancies
- Electrician :- 14 Vacancies
- Electronic Mechanic :- 02 Vacancies
- AC& Ref. Mechanic :- 07 Vacancies
EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION :- The Candidates must have passed 10th class examination or its equivalent (under 10+2 examination system) with minimum 50% marks, in aggregate, from recognized Board and also possess National Trade Certificate in the notified trade issued by the National Council for Vocational Training .
Age Limit :- The candidates should have completed 15 years of age and should not have completed 24 years of age as on 21.09.2017.
Upper age limit is relaxable by 05 years in case of SC/ST candidates and 03years in case of OBC candidates.
For Persons with Disability, upper age limit is relaxable by 10 years.
Upper age limit is relaxable by up to additional 10 years for ex-servicemen to the extent of service rendered in Defence Forces plus 03 years, provided they have put in minimum of 06 months services at a stretch, except Ex-servicemen who have already joined the Govt. service on Civil side after availing the servicemen status for the purpose of their engagement. However, regardless of community, Ex-servicemen will be considered against the Ex-servicemen quota, if available. If UR vacancies are not available then only Ex-servicemen belonging to those particular community where vacancies are available will be considered against the Ex-servicemen quota.
The candidates who want to avail the benefit of reservation of SC/ST, must produce his/her Caste certificate issued by appropriate authority at the time of Document Verification. Similarly the candidates who want to avail the benefit of reservation of OBC, must produce Caste certificate and Non-Creamy Layer certificate issued by appropriate authority at the time of Document Verification.
PAYMENT OF FEES:- The eligible candidates may apply online on the prescribed proforma on the authorized website www.rcf.indianrailways.gov.in of Rail Coach Factory, Kapurthala upto 17.00 hours on 21.09.2017. Only non-refundable fee in the shape of Bank Demand Draft /Indian Postal Order of Rs.100/- payable in favour of FA& CAO/RCF/Kapurthala must reach in the office of General Manager (P), Rail Coach Factory,Kapurthala -144602 on or before 21.09.2017 (17.00 hours). Non-refundable fee i.e. DD/IPO can also be dropped in the box kept in the office of General Manager (P)/RCF/KXH on or before 21.09.2017 (17.00 hours). The Application No. and date must be mentioned on the top of envelop. No fee is required to be paid by SC/ST/PWD/Women candidates
MODE OF SELECTION:- Selection will be on the basis of merit list prepared of all candidates who apply against the notification. The merit list will be prepared for the purpose on the basis of percentage of marks in matriculation (with minimum 50% of aggregate marks) + ITI marks in the trade in which apprenticeship is to be done. The panel will be on the basis of simple average of marks in the matriculation and ITI. For the purpose of calculation of percentage of matriculation, marks obtained by the candidates in all subjects will be reckoned and not on the basis of marks of any subject or a group of subjects. For the purpose of calculation of percentage of ITI marks, marks mentioned in the provisional/final certificate will be reckoned.
For any problem in the Online submission and printing of Application, call on
01822- 227734, 227735 then dial extension no.92763 & 92704 to get the direct
connective with concerned Officer & Staff from 10:00 a.m. to 17.00 pm (except
Sundays and Holidays)
Important Notice of Rail Coach Factory Apprentices Recruitment 2017
For more information related to Rail Coach Factory Apprentices Recruitment 2017 you can see published notices. Please share this information with your friends and help them and visit daily on our website for daily employment.
Important Dates of Rail Coach Factory Apprentices Recruitment 2017:-
- Last Date of Submit Online Application Form :- 21/09/2017