Online applications are invited from the intending eligible candidates who are Citizens of India having registration in the Employment Exchange of the State of Assam, for filling up of 945 Nos. of existing vacancies under the Department of Panchayat and Rural Development as indicated below.
Panchayat & Rural Development Assam Recruitment 2018
Panchayat & Rural Development, Assam Vacancy Details:-
Total No. of Posts:- 945 Vacancy
- Extension Officer (Panchyat) :- 74 Posts
- Jr. Asst. HQ :- 24 Posts
- Gram Sevak & Gram Sevika :- 147 Posts
- Junior Asstt. (Anchalik Panchayat) :- 100 Posts
- Tax Collector-cum-Road Mohorar :- 450 Posts
- Gaon Panchayat Secretary :- 150 Posts
- For all category, the candidates must be Graduate in any discipline from a recognized University except for the post of Gaon Panchayat Secretary, the Candidate must be Commerce Graduate.
- Candidates must possess knowledge of Local Languages either Assamese/Bengali/Bodo in addition to English Language for maintenance of office administration.
- For General Candidate – Rs.250/- (Rupees two hundred fifty) only.
- For SC/ST/OBC – Rs.150/- (Rupees one hundred fifty) only.
- Candidates having BPL Certificate – Nil.
(Certificate from the competent authority i.e. Deputy Commissioner/Addl. Deputy Commissioner/Asstt. Commissioner/Sub Div. Officer (C )/ Circle Officer/Block Development Officer will only be accepted
Fees should be deposited through online only.
Note :- The Candidate must be Indian Citizen, ordinarily resident of Assam
Age Limit
- The candidate should not be less than 18 years and more than 43 years as on 01.01.2017. The upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for ST/SC candidates.
- In case of Ex-Serviceman, age limit is relax able by two years.
- The age limit of the candidates will be calculated on the basis of the Matriculation/HSLC Admit Card/Certificate issued by a recognized Board/ Council, and no other document shall be accepted in lieu thereof for the purpose.
MODE OF SELECTION :- The candidates whose applications are accepted will be required to appear in a written test which will be conducted in the 6 (six) centres in the state namely Guwahati, Bongaigaon, Tezpur, Silchar, Jorhat & Dibrugarh. There will be a common written examination except for that the post of Gaon Panchayat Secretary. The Commissioner, P&RD reserves the right to change the examination venues of the test and no representation etc. will be entertained in this regard.
HOW TO APPLY :- Instructions for filling up online form will be available in the departments Website www.rural.assam.gov.in Candidates are advised to carefully go through the instructions provided in the above website while filling up forms.
Important Notice of Panchayat & Rural Development Assam Recruitment 2018
For more information related to Panchayat & Rural Development Assam Recruitment 2018. you can see published notices. Please share this information with your friends and help them and visit daily on our website for daily employment.
Note :- Before Submit Application Form Kindly Read Advertisement Carefully
Important Dates of Panchayat & Rural Development Assam Recruitment 2018 :-
- Online form may be filled up w.e.f. 10.00 AM of 22.12.2017 to 12.00 Midnight of 16.01.2018 only. No application can be filled up after expiry of the given time as the link will be disabled.
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Online Application Form of Panchayat & Rural Development Assam Recruitment 2018
HELPLINE NOs.: 9401271777, 9401013222 (10.30 AM – 04.30 PM)
Whatsapp No.: 9401889025 (10.30 AM – 04.30 PM)
Email ID: support@pnrdassam.in