If you are looking OTA St Thomas Mount Chennai RECRUITMENT You are on right place.we have good collection of OTA St Thomas Mount Chennai Vacancy . Please scroll down and check out our collections. Read our Officers Training Academy (OTA) St Thomas Mount Chennai Published Notification This year on 19-01-2021 of Various Posts – 77 Vacancies . We are always committed to provide OTA St Thomas Mount Chennai Recruitment 2021 – Application Form for whatsapp, Facebook.
OTA St Thomas Mount Chennai Recruitment 2021
Officers Training Academy (OTA) St Thomas Mount Chennai Recruitment Various Posts
Application is invited from the candidates possessing Matriculation pass or equivalent from a recognized Board of institution (Compulsory for all posts) or Higher qualification mentioned against the post from a recognized board or institution for posts as per eligibility criteria enumerated below :-
पदों की संख्या – 77 पद
Name of Posts | No. of Vacancy |
Librarian Grade III | 1 |
Lower Division Clerk | 5 |
CMD (Ordinary Grade) | 8 |
Cook | 10 |
Painter | 1 |
Groundsman | 8 |
Fatigueman | 5 |
Tailor | 1 |
Multi Taksing Staff (MTS) | 18 |
Masalchi | 2 |
Mess Waiter | 1 |
Cadet Orderly | 13 |
Dhobi | 3 |
Groom | 1 |
शैक्षिक योग्यता (Qualification)
आवेदन कैसे करें (How to Apply)
The Applicant meeting all eligibility criteria and age as on last date for receipt of application should send application should send application neatly typed in A4 paper essentially mentioning the Below mentioned details :-
- Post applied for.
- Ref Newspaper name and date of advertisement
- Candidate name (in Block letters) (as written in 10″ Certificate).
- Fathers name & Full postal address with pin code for communication
- “Date of birth (as per 10” Certificate).
- Age as on last date of receipt of application(Day! Month/ Year)
- Community GEN SC ST OBC
- Religion/Nationality/”Nativity of Candidate
- “Person with Disabilities (mention percentage/type of disability)
- “If Ex-Serviceman, name of Arms, Rank/Trade. date of enrollment, discharge. total army service and pension details.
- “If EWS, Production of an Income and Asset Certificate as per prescribed format
- *Details of academic technical & professional qualification with division and year of passing (starting from 10″” standard onward if any)
- “Experience if any.
- Declaration stating that I hereby declare that all the statements made in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any information being false/incorrect or ineligibility being detected before or after any test my candidature will stand automatically cancelled
- Write details of documents enclosed.
- Applicant’s name and signature with date.
All Copies of relevant Certificates (“attach proof as applicable) including 10th pass certificate in support of the application duly self attested and three recent passport size photographs duly self attested (one pasted on the top of the application must compulsorily be enclosed along with Application .
The Super Scribed envelop mentioning the post captaining application and all enclosures be ordinary post at the following address on or before 05 Feb 2021 at 1500 hours : The Commandant , Officers Trainng Academy , St. Thomas Mount , Chennai – 600016.
Download Notification