Northern Coalfields Limited, Singrauli; a well known Public Sector Undertaking of Government of India in Coal Sector, invites applications from the citizens of India for the following posts .
(Mini Ratna Company)
(A Subsidiary of Coal India Ltd.) .
Ref: NCL/SGR/PD/Rectt./NRD/16/540
- Name Of the Post :- Jr. Overman,T&S Grade-C* 197 posts(UR-100,SC-29,ST-39,OBC-29)
Education Qualification
*Diploma in Mining Engineering of 3 years duration from recognized Institute
*Valid Overman’s certificate of competency from DGMS under Coal Mines Regulation1957 or any other certificate in Mining which entitle to work as Overman as per Coal Mines Regulation 1957.
*Valid Gas Testing Certificate. *Valid First Aid Certificate .
- Name Of the Post :- Jr. Overman,T&S Grade-C* 197 posts(UR-100,SC-29,ST-39,OBC-29)
- Name Of the Post :- Mining Sirdar, T&S Grade-C* 68 posts(UR-35,SC-10,ST-13,OBC-10)
Education Qualification
*Matriculate or equivalent exam from any recognized Board of Exam.
*) Valid Mining Sirdar certificate of competency from DGMS under Coal Mines Regulation1957 or any other certificate in Mining which entitle to work as Mining Sirdar as per Coal Mines Regulation 1957.
*Valid Gas Testing Certificate. *Valid First Aid Certificate .
- Name Of the Post :- Mining Sirdar, T&S Grade-C* 68 posts(UR-35,SC-10,ST-13,OBC-10)
- Age Limit
* Minimum Age is 18 years for all posts; Upper Age limit for Posts of Sl Nos 1 to 2 is for SC/ST: 40 years, for OBC (non creamy layer): 38 years, and for Unreserved ( UR) : 35 years as on DATE OF NOTIFICATION
*The Upper age limit in the case of candidates, who had ordinarily been domiciled in the Kashmir division of the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from 01/01/1980 to 31/12/1989, is relaxable by 5 years over and above the prescribed age.
- Age Limit
Application and Examination Fee :There is no Application Fee for SC/ST/PWD/Departmental Candidates. Candidates belonging toUR/OBC(non-creamy Layer) category will be required to pay a non-refundable application fee of Rs. 500/- only to be paid through State Bank of India (SBI) demand draft made in favour of “Northern Coalfields Ltd, Singrauli” payable at SBI, Morwa (Branch Code : 03767). Demand draft from other banks will not be accepted and such applications will be rejected.
How To apply : Filled Applications accompanied with attested copies of all required valid certificates should reach by Post Only
To General Manager (P/MP&R),
Room No. 15,
Personnel Department,
MP – 486889 on or before 26.11.2016.
Important Date
THE LAST DATE FOR deposit the Application Form. 26/11/2016
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