Maharashtra AHD (Maharashtra Animal Husbandry Department) has published Employment News for supervisor, clerk, typist, stenographer and driver posts, all the candidates are requested to read all the necessary employment related information before applying for this government job. Apply only after that.
Maharashtra Animal Husbandry Department Recruitment
Advertisement for Class III recruitment
- Total No. of Posts: 138 vacancies
- Name of vacancies –1. Livestock Supervisor – Livestock Supervisor – Pashudhan Paryavekshak2. Senior Clerk3. Clerk cum typist
4. Stenographer – Upper class
5. Stenographer – Lower Class (Stenographer – Lower Class)6. Driver - Educational Qualification – 10th + Light / heavy vehicle driving license / knowledge of English / English stenography / typing / Bachelor Degree + Knowledge of Marathi language or its equivalent degree are also valid, please, for accurate information, please provide published notification for this job .
- Age Limit :- According to 06-07-2017 Age of candidates 18-38 (For Unreserved Category) / 43 (For Reserved Category) years must be between the ages | Please see published notices for age relaxation and other information.
- Application fee (Non- Refundable) :- Application fees will be Rs. 300 (For Unreserved category) / Rs. 150 (Ex-Servicemen / PwD) / – for the general category. For more information on the exemption in the application, you can see published notices which have published classified information for all sections
Important Dates: –
- Starting Date of Submit Online Application Form :- 07/07/2017
- Last Date of Submit Online Application Form :- 26/07/2017