Lok Sabha Recruitment Online applications are invited from eligible Indian citizens for filling up 31 vacancies (01 SC, 05 ST, 09 OBC and 16 UR) (26 in English stream and 05 in Hindi/bilingual stream) for the post of Junior Clerk on Direct Recruitment basis in Lok Sabha Secretariat which is a level 4 post in the Pay Matrix (Provisional) [in the Pay Band of Rs. 5200-20200 (PB-1)+Grade Pay:Rs. 2400 (pre-revised)].
Advt. No. 7/2017
Lok Sabha Recruitment 2017
Lok Sabha Recruitment of Secretariat Vacancy Details:
Name of the Post: Junior Clerk
- Total No. of Posts: 31 vacancies
SC – 01 vacancies
ST – 05 vacancies
OBC – 09 vacancies
UR – 16 vacancies - Educational Qualification :- Bachelor‟s degree in any discipline from a recognised university and a minimum typing speed of 40 words per minute in English/Hindi stream. Preference will be given to persons having typing speed of 40 words per minute both in English and Hindi.
- Age Limit :- UPPER AGE LIMIT : 27 years.
SELECTION PROCESS of Lok Sabha Recruitment
- Preliminary Examination: – The Preliminary Examination will be a qualifying examination. Only those
candidates who obtain the minimum qualifying marks in each component and aggregate in
the Preliminary Examination will be called for the Main Examination. The marks secured
by the candidates in the Preliminary Examination will not be counted while preparing the
final selection list. - Main Examination: – A candidate will be considered for appointment against the vacancies in that stream
i.e. English/Hindi only in which he qualifies Paper-I (Essay, Letter and Grammar) and
Paper-II (Typing Test). The candidates will have to qualify Papers-I and II in the same
stream. However, the candidate qualifying the Typing Test in both English and Hindi
streams, will be given preference in appointment against the vacancies in that stream in
which he qualifies the Paper-I. A candidate qualifying Papers I and II in both the streams
will be given preference in appointment against the vacancies in that stream in which he
gets higher marks.
HOW TO APPLY ONLINE of Lok Sabha Recruitment
- Eligible applicants are required to apply online only under the link
Recruitment → Apply Online. No other means/mode of application will be accepted.
Before applying, the applicants are advised to thoroughly go through this
advertisement to ensure that she/he fulfils all the eligibility conditions for the post.
The admission of candidates at all stages of examination will be purely provisional
subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. - The applicant shall upload her/his latest photograph and signature in the space
provided in the application form. Before uploading, the applicants are advised to go
through the guidelines in this regard. - Applicants are required to have a valid and active personal email id and
Mobile Number for filling in the application. Applicant will receive registration
confirmation by SMS/email. Therefore, the candidates are advised to furnish
correct Mobile number/e-mail address to receive the registration confirmation. This
email id and Mobile Number should be valid for the duration of this recruitment
process. The Lok Sabha Secretariat may send intimation regarding date of
examination, etc., through the email id/Mobile Number filled in the application.
Under no circumstances, the candidate should share/mention email id/Mobile
Number to or of any other person.In case the applicant does not have a valid and active email id, she/he shall
create the same before applying online. - Candidate may click ‘Submit’ box after „Declaration‟ in the online application format
only after ensuring that the information filled in by her/him is in order and no
correction is required. After submission of application, no correction/modification in
the information filled in the application shall be allowed. No request in this regard
shall be entertained under any circumstances. The Lok Sabha Secretariat will not
be responsible for any consequences arising out of furnishing of incorrect and
incomplete details in the application form or omission to provide the required details
in the application form. - An applicant should submit only one application. If due to unavoidable
circumstances any applicant submits multiple applications, her/his only that
application with higher „Registration Number‟ shall be entertained by Lok Sabha
Secretariat. Her/his earlier application(s) shall stand rejected. She/he must ensure
that her/his application with higher registration number is complete in all respects. - The online application can be filled up from 10.07.2017_to 09.08.2017 till 05:00
p.m. after which the link will be disabled. To avoid last days’ rush, which may result
in thwarting attempt to fill online application due to heavy traffic on server,
candidates are advised to submit application well before the last date. No request
for extension of time after the last prescribed date shall be entertained. - All particulars (except Residential Address) furnished by the applicant will be
treated as final and no change will be allowed therein later on. - Incomplete applications shall be summarily rejected.
Important Dates:
- Last Date of Submit Application Form :- 09/08/2017 (09 Aug 2017)
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