JKSSB Recruitment (Jammu & Kashmir Service Selection Board) has published Employment News for Assistant, Nurse, TradeSamen and various other posts. All candidates are requested to submit all necessary information related to employment before applying for this government job. Please read and apply only after that.
Full Details of JKSSB Recruitment 2017
- Number of vacancies – 135 posts
- Name of vacant posts –
1. Assistant
2. stenotypist (Steno Typist)
3. Nurse (Nurse)
4. computer operator (Computer Operator)
5. Tradesmen and different positions (Tradesman & Other Various Posts ) - Educational Qualification – 10th / ITI / 12th + Diploma / Bachelor Degree / Diploma / Degree (Sound Recording / Sound Engineering) / Post Graduate Diploma or its equivalent degree are also valid, please, for the exact information published notification for this job Of course
- What is the age limit of JKSSB Recruitment – As per 01-01-2017 of the candidate, 18-40 (For Unreserved Category / Government Service / Contractual Employees) / 18-42 (PwD) / 18-43 (SC / ST / RBA / ALC / OSC ) / 18-48 (Ex-Servicemen) should be between the age of the year . Please see published notices for age relaxation and other information.
- How will the selection in JKSSB Recruitment – for this Govt job, according to performance in the RETAIN test and interview, the candidate will be selected.
- What will be the application fee – Application fees will be Rs. 350 / – for the general category. For more information on the exemption in the application, you can see published notices which have published classified information for all sections.
- How will the selection in JKSSB Recruitment – for this Govt job, according to performance in the RETAIN test and interview, the candidate will be selected.
For more information related to JKSSB Recruitment you can see published notices. Please share this information with your friends and help them and visit daily on our website for daily employment
Important Date of JKSSB Recruitment
- Date of Commencement for submission of online applications :- 22/07/2017
- Last Date for submission of online applications :- 23/08/2017
- Last Date for submission of fee/ Bank Challan :- 24/08/2017