Applications are invited from eligible Indian citizens (Male & Female) for filling up following vacancies of General Central Service Group ‘B’ Non Gazetted (Non Ministerial) on temporary basis likely to be permanent in the Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force. The post has all India liability and selected candidates can be posted anywhere in India and even abroad. On appointment, the candidate shall be governed by the ITBPF Act and Rules. Applications from candidates will be accepted through ON-LINE MODE only. No other mode for submission of application is allowed. CLOSING DATE / LAST DATE OF RECEIPT OF ONLINE APPLICATIONS: 22/09/2017..
Total No. Posts :- 21 Vacancies (Male:- 18 Posts , Female :- 03 Posts)
Name of the Posts :- Sub Inspector (Overseer)
Educational Qualification :- Matriculation or equivalent with a diploma in Civil Engineering from an Institute recognized by the Central Government.
Age Limit :- Between 20 to 25 Years
Cutoff date for Age and Relaxations :- Crusial date for determining the age limit will be the closing date i.e. 22nd September, 2017 (22/09/2017). Candidates should not have been born earlier than 23/09/1992 and not later than 22/09/1997
HOW TO APPLY :- Eligible and interested candidates should apply online through website www.recruitment.itbpolice.nic.in. Candidates are advised to fill the online application form after reading the instructions carefully. Details as required under various segments – Personal & Education etc. should be mentioned clearly. No application will be accepted offline. Candidature of the candidate who submitted application offline will be rejected summarily. There is no requirement of submitting documents at the time of filling online application form.
APPLICATION FEE & MODE OF PAYMENT –Male candidates belonging to General (UR)/OBC category applying for recruitment to the above posts should pay Rs 200/- (Rupees two hundred only) as application fee through online payment gateway system on www.recruitment.itbpolice.nic.in. Application received with any other mode of fee payment will be summarily rejected. Candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Females and Ex-servicemen are exempted from paying the fee.
- Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.
- Fee paid by modes other than above will not be accepted and the applications of such candidate will be rejected forthright and the payment made shall stand forfeited.
SELECTION PROCESS:- Bar coded admit Cards to the candidates will be issued online by mentioning the date and venue of recruitment test. There is no requirement of submitting any documents at the time of filling online application form. However, it is clarified that candidature of candidates who are issued online admit cards will remain provisional till they are finally selected and submit all related documents/certificates in original and in prescribed format at the stage of verification of original documents.
- Before start of physical efficiency test (PET) and physical standard test (PST) the candidates will undergo through verification of identity including Biometric capture.
- Biometric identification of candidates can also be taken at any stage of recruitment.
Important Notice of ITBP Recruitment
For more information related to ITBP Recruitment you can see published notices. Please share this information with your friends and help them and visit daily on our website for daily employment.
Important Dates of ITBP Recruitment:-
- Last Date to Apply Online: 07/09/2017 at 11:59 PM.
See #Official Notifications Here
Click here to Apply Online
– tell us admit released date