Indian Army Recruitment has issued a notification for Tradesman,Fireman, Material Asst,LDC,Pharmacist,Tele Optr-II, Fireman, Tradesman(Mate),MTS,Tailor OR Dhobi vacancies on regular & contract basis. Eligible candidates can apply online . Kindly Download full advertisement Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee & how to apply are Download given below.
Two x additional passport size photographs. Two x additional passport size photographs. Application format is attached at appendix ‘A’ of this advertisement. Applicants are required to forward a mandatory undertaking placed at appendix ‘B’ for this combined recruitment certifying willingness to serve in 2 FOD, 21 FAD, 19 Inf DOU, 28 Mtn DOU, 28 Amn Coy, respective APs and anywhere in India or as deemed fit by Board of Officer for recruitment as well as department.
-:INDIAN ARMY Recruitment :-
The scale of pay, number of vacancies, educational qualification and other requirements are as under:-
Total No. Posts :- 142 vacancies
Designation of post :- Material Asst
- Total No. of Vacancies :- 06 vacancies
- 6th pay commission Scale of Pay & New Pay level with Basic pay as per 7 th Pay commission
(B.Pay Rs 5200-20200 Grade pay 2400/- Revised B Pay Rs 25500/- )
- Education Qualification :- Graduate in any discipline or equivalent from the recognized University / Board or Diploma in Material Management or Diploma in Engineering from any recognized University.
Designation of post :- LDC
- Total No. of Vacancies :- 01 vacancies
- 6th pay commission Scale of Pay & New Pay level with Basic pay as per 7 th Pay commission
(B.Pay Rs 5200-20200 Grade pay 900/- Rev B.Pay Rs 19,900/- )
- Education Qualification :- 12th class or equivalent from the recognized University /Board .
Designation of post :- Pharmacist
- Total No. of Vacancies :- 01 vacancies
- 6th pay commission Scale of Pay & New Pay level with Basic pay as per 7 th Pay commission
(B.Pay Rs 5200-20200 Grade Pay 2800/- Revised Basic pay Rs 29200/- and after completion of two yrs regular service in entry grade, Pay Band-2 Rs 9300-34800 plus Gde Pay Rs 4200/- shall be granted as Non Functional Grade Revised B pay Rs 35,400/- )
- Education Qualification :- 12th class or equivalent from the recognized University /Board. Two years diploma in Pharmacy and Registration with State Pharmacy Council.
Designation of post :- Tele Optr – Grade II
- Total No. of Vacancies :- 01 vacancies
- 6th pay commission Scale of Pay & New Pay level with Basic pay as per 7 th Pay commission
(B.Pay Rs 5200-20200 Grade pay 2000/- Rev B. Pay Rs 21,700/- )
- Education Qualification :- 12th class or equivalent from the recognized University /Board. Two years diploma in Pharmacy and Registration with State Pharmacy Council.
Designation of post :- Fireman
- Total No. of Vacancies :- 36 vacancies
- 6th pay commission Scale of Pay & New Pay level with Basic pay as per 7 th Pay commission
(B..Pay Rs 5200-20200 Grade pay 1900/- Rev B.Pay Rs 19,900/- )
- Education Qualification :- 10th class or equivalent from the recognized University /Board.
Designation of post :- Tradesman (Mate)
- Total No. of Vacancies :- 94 vacancies
- 6th pay commission Scale of Pay & New Pay level with Basic pay as per 7 th Pay commission
(B..Pay Rs 5200-20200 Grade pay 1800/- Rev B.Pay Rs 18,000/- )
- Education Qualification :- 10th class or equivalent from the recognized University /Board.
Designation of post :- MTS
- Total No. of Vacancies :- 01 vacancies
- 6th pay commission Scale of Pay & New Pay level with Basic pay as per 7 th Pay commission
(B..Pay Rs 5200-20200 Grade pay 1800/- Rev B.Pay Rs 18,000/- )
- Education Qualification :- 10th class or equivalent from the recognized University /Board.
Designation of post :- Dhobi
- Total No. of Vacancies :- 01 vacancies
- 6th pay commission Scale of Pay & New Pay level with Basic pay as per 7 th Pay commission
(B..Pay Rs 5200-20200 Grade pay 1800/- Rev B.Pay Rs 18,000/- )
- Education Qualification :- 10th class or equivalent from the recognized University /Board.
Designation of post :- Tailor
- Total No. of Vacancies :- 01 vacancies
- 6th pay commission Scale of Pay & New Pay level with Basic pay as per 7 th Pay commission
(B..Pay Rs 5200-20200 Grade pay 1800/- Rev B.Pay Rs 18,000/- )
- Education Qualification :- 10th class or equivalent from the recognized University /Board.
- Age limit :-Please see published notices for age relaxation and other information.
- The application should be addressed to Commandant, 21 FAD, PIN : 909721, C/O 56
APO. No application will be accepted by hand. Board will not be responsible for loss of any
application in transit and for postal delay. No TA/DA will be paid for any test. The candidates
themselves will make arrangement for boarding and lodging. No application will be entertained
after the due date. While forwarding the application, the envelop should be clearly marked,“APPPLICATION FOR THE POST OF Material Asst,LDC,Pharmacist,Tele Optr-II, Fireman,
Tradesman(Mate),MTS,Tailor OR Dhobi “(Ex-Serviceman/Gen/PH/MSP/SC/ST/OBC)” (Delete
whichever is not applicable).(Quoting of Postal Index Number(PIN) & Category are mandatory).
Candidates are advised to attach self attested copies of following documents as applicable along with (Size 12 X 18 cm) one x self addressed registered envelope with Rs 25/- postage stamps. Please do not forward ORIGINAL CERTIFICATES with the application.
- Birth certificate.
- Caste certificate.
- Education certificate along with the marks sheets (Matriculation onwards)
- Photocopy of Discharge certificate for Ex-Servicemen and letter/NOC from CO of unit in case of serving pers who are in last year of discharge/retirement duly countersigned by respective OIC (Records).
- Disability certificate for physically Handicapped.(from auth Medical board)
- Domicile Certificate (for residents of J&K state availing age relaxation, as applicable).
- Two x additional passport size photographs.
- Certificate / under taking for employment in any unit as per Appendix ’B’
- In case of Sports person, please attach ‘Sports Certificate’ as per ‘Appendix ‘D’
- In case of OBC, please attach ‘Non Creamy Layer’ Certificate as per Appendix ‘E’
- Any ID proof issued by Govt Deptt (Voter Card/Driving Licence/Passport) preferably Aadhar Card
Place of work :- Individual should be willing to serve in 2 Field Ordnance Depot, 21 Field Ammunition Depot, 19 Inf Div Ord Unit , 28 Mtn Div Ord Unit & 28 Amn coy / respective Ammunition Points / or anywhere in India, if selected.
For more information related to Indian Army Recruitment, you can see published notices. Please share this information with your friends and help them and visit daily on our website for daily employment
Important Dates:
- Last Date of Submit Application Form :- 03/08/2017