If you are looking Indian Air Force Recruitment.You are on right place.we have good collection of Indian Air Force Recruitment .Please scroll down and check out our collections. Read our Indian Air Force Published Notification This year on 26-01-2021 of Airman (Group X & Y) Vacancies .We are always committed to provide Indian Air Force Airman (Group X & Y) Recruitment Online Application Form , Admit Card , Results , Exam Syllabus , Model Question Set and Much More On whatsapp, facebook, Telegram Social Media Platform .
Indian Air Force X Y Group Online Form 2020
01/2022 Short Details of Notification
Application will be filled ONLINE by the candidates and detailed instructions to fill up the same are available at
www.airmenselection.cdac.in and the same would also be available on www.careerindianairforce.cdac.in
Name of Posts :-
- Group ‘X’ trades (Except Education Instructor trade) and
- Group ‘Y’ trades {except IAF(S) and Musician Trades}
Indian Air Force invites ONLINE application from UNMARRIED MALE INDIAN CITIZENS (citizens of Nepal are also eligible) for selection test from 18 April 2021 to 22 April 2021 to join as Airmen in Group ‘X’ Trades (Except Education Instructor Trade) and Group ‘Y’ [Except IAF(S) and Musician Trades].
Education Qualification :-
- Group ‘X’ (Except Education Instructor Trade): – Intermediate/ 10+2/ Equivalent examination with Mathematics, Physics and English from an Educational Board listed as COBSE member with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English or Three years Diploma Course in Engineering in any stream.
- Group ‘Y’ {{Except Medical Assistant and Musician} Trades: Passed Intermediate/ 10+2/ Equivalent Examination in any stream/ Passed two years vocational course/ subjects approved by Central/ State Education Boards listed as COBSE member with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English.
- Group ‘Y’ Medical Assistant Trade Only: Passed 10+2/ Intermediate/ equivalent exam with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English.
Date of Birth Block
- Candidate born between 16 January 2001 and 29 December 2004 (both days inclusive) are eligible to apply.
- In case, a candidate clears all the stages of the Selection Procedure, then the upper age limit as on date of enrolment is 21 years.
Physical Eligibility
- Height : 152.5 CMS
- Chest : Minimum Expand : 5 CMS
- Minimum Weight : 55 KG
Examination Fee: Examination fee of Rs.250/- is to be paid by the candidate while registering for the online examination. The payment can be made by using Debit Cards/ Credit Cards/Internet Banking through payment gateway. The examination fee can also be paid by Challan payment at any Axis Bank Branch.
How to Apply :-
- Application will be filled ONLINE by the candidates and detailed instructions to fill up the same are available at www.airmenselection.cdac.in and the same would also be available on www.careerindianairforce.cdac.in
- ONLINE REGISTRATION shall commence on 02 January 2020 and shall close on 20 January 2020. Only ONLINE REGISTERED applications shall be accepted.
The following documents are to be uploaded as applicable to respective candidates:-
- Class 10th /matriculation passing certificate.
- Intermediate/10+2 or equivalent marksheet / marksheets (if applying on the basis of 12th/ intermediate or equivalent educational qualifications). OR
- 3 Yrs Engineering Diploma final year marksheet (if applying on the basis of 3 yrs Engineering Diploma from a Govt. recognised polytechnic institute in prescribed stream).
- Passport size recent colour photograph (taken not before December 2019) of size 10 KB to 50 KB (front portrait in light background without head gear except for Sikhs). The photograph is to be taken with candidate holding a black slate in front of his chest with his name and date of photograph taken, clearly written on it with white chalk in capital letters
- Candidate’s left hand thumb impression image (Size 10 KB to 50 KB).
- Candidate’s signature image (Size 10 KB to 50 KB).
- Candidate’s parent’s (Father/Mother)/Guardian’s signature image (if candidate is below 18 years on the date of filling the online application)
- The mark sheet indicating marks in English subject in diploma (if applying on the basis of 3 Yrs Engineering Diploma qualification) or in 12th/10th if English is not a subject in diploma.
Important Dates
- Notification Issued : 20/01/2020
- Application Begin : 22/01/2021
- Last Date for Apply Online : 07/02/2021 at 05:00 PM
- Exam Held on : 18-22 April 2021
- Admit Card Available : April 2021
Important Link
- Click here to Download Notification
- Official Website
- ऑनलाइन आवेदन