If you are looking Indian Air Force Recruitment Rally in Karnataka .You are on right place.we have good collection of Indian Air Force Recruitment Rally in Karnataka .Please scroll down and check out our collections. Read our Indian Air Force Published Notification This year on 10-07-2019 of AIRMEN IN GROUP ‘Y’ (NON-TECHNICAL) AUTOMOBILE TECHNICIAN (AUTO TECH) Vacancies .We are always committed to provide Indian Air Force Rally In Karnataka Online Application Form , Admit Card , Results , Exam Syllabus , Model Question Set and Much More On whatsapp, facebook, Telegram Social Media Platform .
Indian Air Force Rally In Karnataka 2019
Indian Air Force Airmen Group Y Rally In Karnataka 2019
Indian Air Force offers opportunities for UNMARRIED MALE INDIAN/NEPALESE CITIZENS from designated Districts of State of Karnataka to join as Airmen. The Recruitment Test for Group ‘Y’ (Non-Technical), Automobile Technician (Auto Tech), Indian Air Force (Police) {IAF(P)} And Medical Assistant (Med Asst) Trades will be held at Nehru Stadium, Shivamogga, Karnataka as per the Selection Programme given below.
Name of Posts :- Airmen Group Y
Educational Qualification.
- For Group ‘Y’ (Non-Technical) {Auto Tech & IAF(P) Trades):- Candidate should have passed Intermediate / 10+2 / Class XII or Equivalent Examination in any stream/subjects approved by Central / State Education Boards with minimum 50% marks in aggregate as well as in English in Class XII or equivalent examination. OR Passed two years vocational course from Education Boards listed as COBSE member with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English in vocational course or in Intermediate/Matriculation if English is not a subject in Vocational Course.
- For Group ‘Y’ (Non-Technical) Medical Assistant Trade. Candidate should have passed Intermediate / 10+2 / Class XII or Equivalent Examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English approved by Central / State Education Boards with minimum 50% marks in aggregate as well as in English in Class XII or equivalent examination.
Date of Birth Block :- Candidates born between 19 July 1999 and 01 July 2003 (both days inclusive) are eligible to appear in the Recruitment Rally.
Mode of Examination :- Offline
Group ‘Y’ (Non-Technical) Auto Tech, IAF(P) & Med Asst Trades
(a) Physical Fitness Test (PFT).
- 1.6 Km run – within 5 minutes 40 seconds: The Candidate is to run 1.6 Kms on a marked course, within timings.
- Chin up – minimum 08: The Candidate is to hang from a bar with under-grip and pull his body upwards till the chin clears the bar. He is to lower the body until the elbows are completely straight and the body is in the ‘dead hanging’ position.
- Push-ups (plank type) – minimum 20 : The candidate is to place his palms flat on the ground directly underneath the shoulders with the elbows straight and locked. The body is to be straight and inclined to the ground with the body weight supported by the hands and the toes. The body is to be maintained straight when being lowered with only the elbows bent. The chest is to remain off the floor in the lower most position.
- Bent Knee Sit Ups – minimum 20 : The candidate is to lie down flat on his back with fingers interlocked behind the head, with knees bent in a comfortable position. A partner is to stand on the candidate toes to prevent them from lifting. The candidate is to sit up to a vertical position touching the knees with his forehead and return to the starting position.
b) Written Test. All candidates who qualify PFT will have to undertake Written Test on the same or subsequent day depending on the local conditions. The Written Test will be objective type and question paper will be bilingual (English & Hindi) except for English paper. Answers are to be annotated on OMR sheet. Detailed procedure shall be explained before conduct of the examination. Duration of the written test will be 45 minutes and will comprise of English as per 10+2 CBSE syllabus and Reasoning & General Awareness (RAGA). CANDIDATES ARE TO QUALIFY IN EACH PAPER SEPARATELY. Results of the written test will be declared on the same day.
(c) Adaptability Test-1. All candidates who pass the Written Test will have to undertake Adaptability Test-1 on the same or subsequent day depending on the local conditions. Adaptability Test – 1 is to assess suitability of a candidate for employment in the IAF which involves deployment in varied geographic terrain, weather and operational conditions.
(d)Adaptability Test-2. All candidates who pass Adaptability Test-1 will have to undertake Adaptability Test-2 as per policy in vogue. Adaptability Test-2 is to select candidates who can adapt to the environment of Indian Air Force and are able to adjust to the military way of life.
(e)Dynamic Factor Test (DFT). All candidates who pass Adaptability Test-II will have to undertake Dynamic Factor Test to assess the required qualities to function as IAF(Security) in Indian Air Force.
Rally Scheduled
- Dates for Rally: 17 to 23-07-2019.
DISTRICTS TO BE COVERED :- Belagavi, Bagalkote, Vijayapura, Bidar, Kalburagi, Yadgir, Raichur, Dharwad and Uttar Kannada (Karwar) districts of State of Karnataka | ||
17-Jul-19 | Auto Tech & IAF(P) | Physical Fitness Test & Written Test |
18-Jul-19 | Auto Tech & IAF(P) | Adaptability Test – 1 & Adaptability Test – 2 |
DISTRICTS TO BE COVERED :- All districts of State of Karnataka | ||
19-Jul-19 | MEDICAL ASSISTANT | Physical Fitness Test & Written Test |
20-Jul-19 | MEDICAL ASSISTANT | Adaptability Test – 1 & Adaptability Test – 2 |
DISTRICTS TO BE COVERED :-Bengaluru (U), Bengaluru (R), Ramnagara, Mandya, Kolar, Chikballapur, Chamrajnagar, Mysuru, Madikeri, Dakshin Kannada (Mangaluru), Chickmagaluru, Chitradurga, Tumkuru, Hassan Gadag, Koppal, Haveri, Bellary, Davangere, Shivamogga and Udupi districts of State of Karnataka | ||
21-Jul-19 | Auto Tech & IAF(P) | Physical Fitness Test & Written Test |
22-Jul-19 | Auto Tech & IAF(P) | Adaptability Test – 1 & Adaptability Test – 2 |
23-Jul-19 | Reserve Day | Reserve Day |