Applications are invited from eligible Indian Nationals to fill up the following vacancies : Group “C” :-
Recruitment 2018
Total No. of Vacancy :- 15 Posts
- Name of Posts :- LDC (02 Vacancy) (OBC)
Education qualification :- 12th class pass from recognized Board or University And Typing speed of 35 words per minute in English on computer or a typing speed of 30 words per minute in Hindi on computer (35 words per minute and 30 words per minute correspond to 10500/9000 key depressions per hour on an average of 5 key depressions for each word).
Age Limits :- OBC – 18 to 28 years - Name of Posts :- Model Maker (01 Vacancy) (General)
Education qualification :- Secondary school certificate (10 th Std passed) with special subjects in Geography, Mathematics and Drawing. ITI training preferable. Experience in making models is essential.
Age Limits :- Gen- 18 to 25 years - Name of Posts :- Cook (01 Vacancy) (SC )
Education qualification :- 10th class pass from recognized Board. and Must have knowledge of Indian Cooking and proficiency in trade .
Age Limits :- SC- 18 to 30 years - Name of Posts :- MTS (Head Watchman) (01 Vacancy) (General)
Education qualification :- 10th class pass from recognized Board.
Age Limits :- Gen- 18 to 25 years - Name of Posts :- MTS (Head Gardener) (01 Vacancy) (General)
Education qualification :- 10th class pass from recognized Board.
Age Limits :- Gen- 18 to 25 years - Name of Posts :- MTS (Messenger) (02 Vacancy) (SC:-01,ST:-01)
Education qualification :- 10th class pass from recognized Board.
Age Limits :- SC/ST- 18 to 30 years - Name of Posts :- Jamadar Range Lascar (02 Vacancy) (Gen)
Education qualification :- 10th class pass from recognized Board.
Age Limits :- Gen- 18 to 25 years - Name of Posts :- Jamadar Arty Lascar (02 Vacancy) (Gen)
Education qualification :- 10th class pass from recognized Board.
Age Limits :- Gen- 18 to 25 years - Name of Posts :- Barber (01 Vacancy) (Gen)
Education qualification :- 10th class pass from recognized Board with proficiency in Barber’s trade job.
Age Limits :- Gen- 18 to 25 years - Name of Posts :- Fireman (02 Vacancy) (SC:-01,ST:-01)
Education qualification :- 10th class pass from recognized Board with proficiency in Barber’s trade job.
Age Limits :- SC/ST- 18 to 30 years
Place of Test. The written test and Typing test, skill test etc will be held at HQ School of Arty, Devlali (Maharashtra).
Address for Sending of Applications. Interested candidates should send their applications in prescribed format, to “The Commandant, HQ School of Arty, Devlali Nasik (Maharashtra) Pin Code 422 401” in sealed envelope. The candidates must clearly subscribe “Application for the post of _____”. Category i.e SC, ST, OBC or Gen etc should also be written on the envelope. Separate application in separate envelopes should be sent for each post.
Self Addressed Envelops. Candidates must send Self Addressed Envelop with Rs 25/- postal stamp duly pasted alongwith their applications, otherwise applications will be rejected.
Last Date for Receipt of Applications. Last date for receipt of application will be 21 days from the date of publication of advertisement in the newspapers. In case of candidates belonging to Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Laddakh Sub-division of Jammu and Kashmir State, Lahaul and Spiti District of Pangi Sub-Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman and Nicobar Island and Lakshadweep closing date of application shall be 28 days from the date of publication of advertisement. However, the crucial date for determining the age limit for all shall be 21 days from the date of publication of advertisement. No application will be entertained after last date for receipt of applications. Selling of application format published by the Unit/Est authorities, is prohibited. This advertisement will also be placed at the www.indianarmy.nic.in and National Career Service (NCS) Portal of Ministry of Labour & Employment.
Requirement of Self-Attested Documents. Self attested photocopies of relevant educational documents/caste certificate in prescribed proforma, OBC caste certificate with latest Non Creamy Layer certificate /experience certificates, „No Objection Certificate‟ for Central Govt employees etc and colour passport photograph duly self-attested by the applicant pasted on the application should be enclosed. Incomplete and unsigned applications will be rejected. Original certificates/Documents should not be send with the application. These should be produced only at the time of written test, Typing test and skill test when called for otherwise candidature will be rejected straight way. Establishment is not responsible for any loss of original certificates.
Important Notice of HQ SCHOOL OF ARTY, DEVLALI Recruitment 2018
For more information related to HQ SCHOOL OF ARTY, DEVLALI Recruitment 2018. you can see published notices. Please share this information with your friends and help them and visit daily on our website for daily employment.
Note :- Before Submit Application Form Kindly Read Advertisement Carefully
Important Dates of HQ SCHOOL OF ARTY, DEVLALI Recruitment 2018:-
- Last Date of Submit application Form :- 16/02/2018