The High Court of Himachal Pradesh invites online applications from the eligible desirous candidates for filling-up the following existing/anticipated vacancies on the Establishment of High Court of Himachal Pradesh :-
HP High Court Clerk and Driver Recruitment 2017
Total No. of Posts :- 15 Vacancies
Name of Posts :- Clerk (Class-III)
Total Number of vacancies :- 12 Vacancies (9 UR, SC & 1 ST)
Educational Qualification :- Possessing Graduation degree from a recognized University.
Pay Band/Pay Scale & Grade Pay :- Rs.5910- 20200 + Grade pay Rs.1900/- + Rs.400/- Sectt. Pay with initial start of Rs.7810/- plus usual allowances & after completion of two years service Rs.10300- 34800+ Rs.3200/- Grade Pay + Rs.400/- Sectt. Pay.
Name of Posts :- Driver (Class-III) (Regular)
Total Number of vacancies :- 02 Vacancies (1 UR, 1 ST)
Educational Qualification :- Matriculation and must possess a valid driving license to drive the light Motor Vehicles (Transport) or Medium or Heavy (Transport) vehicles and possess such other qualification as may be prescribed by Hon’ble the Chief Justice
Pay Band/Pay Scale & Grade Pay :- Pay Band of Rs.5910- 20200/- + Rs.2000/- Grade Pay + Rs.1400/- Sectt. Pay & after two years Rs.5910- 20200 + Rs.2400/- Grade Pay + Rs.1400/- Sectt. Pay.
Name of Posts :- Driver (Class-III) (On daily wages)
Total Number of vacancies :- 01 Vacancies
Educational Qualification :- Matriculation and must possess a valid driving license to drive the light Motor Vehicles (Transport) or Medium or Heavy (Transport) vehicles and possess such other qualification as may be prescribed by Hon’ble the Chief Justice
Pay Band/Pay Scale & Grade Pay :- As prescribed by the State Govt. from time to time
Fees Structure & Mode of Payment :- The examination fee prescribed for the candidates, belonging to different categories, is given here under :-
- General or un-reserved categor :- Rs. 300/-
- For all other reserved categories :- Rs. 150/-
The candidates shall have to deposit the requisite fee either through “E-Payment” mode i.e. either by using Debit/Credit Card(s) etc. or through net-banking options, as are available at payment gateway or the requisite fee could also be paid through “E-Challan” which can be generated from the online web portal of SBI Collect and the requisite fee amount is to be deposited in cash at any branch of the SBI wherein all transaction details/particulars e.g. SBI Collect Reference Number, Journal Number etc. will be denoted by the payee bank. The candidate may also deposit the fee amount by directly paying through cash at any branch of SBI. After completing the payment process through any of the above mentioned modes, the candidate must have to take the print-out of ‘E-Receipt’ and shall have to send it to the Registry by Regd./Speed post alongwith ‘Acknowledgement’ on or before the date as specified above.
Important Notice of HP High Court Clerk and Driver Recruitment
For more information related to HP High Court Clerk and Driver Recruitment you can see published notices. Please share this information with your friends and help them and visit daily on our website for daily employment.
Important Dates of HP High Court Clerk and Driver Recruitment:-
- Last Date of Submit Online Application Form :- 30/09/2017
- The applying candidates must have to send the print-out of duly filled-in ‘Acknowledgement’, given at last page of annexed Instructions alongwith ‘eReceipt’, in original, in support of payment deposited by them through either mode i.e. paid online or deposited in cash or through Challan, as the case may be, on or before 10th October, 2017 either by hand or through Regd./Speed Post, failing which their candidature will not be considered and the same is liable to be rejected straightway.
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Online Application Form HP High Court Clerk and Driver Recruitment
good information sir ji chech forhight court recruitment 2018