Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), a Navratna Central Public Sector Undertaking is a premier Aeronautical Industry of South East Asia, with 20 Production/ Overhaul/ Service Divisions and 10 Co-located R&D Centers spread across the country. HAL’s spectrum of expertise encompasses Design, Development. Manufacture, Repair, Overhaul and Upgrade of Aircraft, Helicopters, Aero-Engines, Industrial Marine Gas Turbines, Accessories, Avionics & Systems and structural components for Satellite & Launch Vehicles.
HAL, Lucknow (UP) Recruitment 2018
Sub : Engagement of Operators on Tenure Basis
Notification No. HAL-ADL/1211/HR/R/2018/01
Total No. of Vacancy :- 131 Posts(UR-68 , SC-26 , ST-02 , OBC-35)
Name of Posts :- Operators
- Machinist Trade :- 22 Posts (Post Code :- LT-C5-001)
- Turner Trade :- 21 Posts (Post Code :- LT-C5-002)
- Grinder Trade :- 05 Posts (Post Code :- LT-C5-003)
- Fitter Trade :- 59 Posts (Post Code :- LT-C5-004)
- Electronics Mechanic Trade :- 15 Posts (Post Code :- LT-C5-005)
- Electrician Trade :- 05 Posts (Post Code :- LT-C5-006)
- Instrumentation Mechanic Trade :- 04 Posts (Post Code :- LT-C5-007)
EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS :- Regular/ Full Time ITI + NAC / ITI + NCTVT after 10th Standard in the Trades of Machinist/ Turner/ Grinder/ Fitter/ Electronics Mechanic/ Electrician/ Instrumentation Mechanic. All qualifications should be from Institute recognized by the appropriate Statutory Authorities in the Country.
Age Limit :- Upper age limit as on 01/01/2018 will be for UR-28 years; SC/ST-33 years; OBC(Non-creamy layer)-31 years. Candidates belonging to OBC(NCL) category are required to submit OBC certificate not older than six months as on 01/01/2018, in the prescribed format at the time of document verification. The candidates belonging to SC/ST category is also required to produce the community certificate in proof of their community at the time of document verification in the prescribed format.
Selection Procedure :- Eligible candidates who are enrolled/registered with the Employment Exchange/ Zila Sainik Board, Ex-Apprentices trained at TTI & TTC of any Divisions of HAL and open candidates applying against Newspaper Advertisement/ HAL Website will be called for Written Test, subject to their meeting the notified criteria. Ex-Apprentices of HAL, Accessories Division, Lucknow may apply online directly against the advertised posts as per their eligibility and no separate communication to apply will be sent to them in this regard. Division reserves the right to decide the cut off percentage for calling candidates for Written Test, based on the Marks secured in the Qualifying Examination prescribed for a particular Trade / Discipline, to ensure sufficient competition. However, the cut off percentage of Marks for UR / OBC candidates cannot be less than 60% and for SC/ ST/ PWD candidates not less than 50%, in the qualifying examination. Selection of the candidates will be made based on the marks scored in the Written Test only, in the order of merit i.e. on the basis of performance in the Written Test..
Tenure of Engagement : The selected candidates will be engaged on tenure basis for a maximum period of four years from the date of engagement. The tenure will come to an end automatically on completion of four years from the date of joining, without any further notice. The employment can be terminated, at any time, during the period of tenure engagement, by giving one month’s notice in writing by either party or by payment of one month’s Basis Pay + DA components in the Consolidated Remuneration in lieu of the Notice. The tenure based engagement will not confer any right on the personnel to claim the status of a regular employee of the Company.
Place of Posting : Selected candidates will be posted at HAL, Accessories Division, Lucknow (UP). However, they are liable to be transferred / posted to any place in India where HAL has Divisions/ Offices/ Bases. No request for change of posting will be entertained after joining.
How to apply : – Applications for various posts will be received online. Eligible and interested candidates are required to apply online only through the link given in HAL Website i.e. www.halindia. com. No other means/ mode of application will be accepted. The Website will remain functional from 08:00 Hrs. of 25/01/2018 to 23:45 Hrs. of 14/02/2018 for submission of online application
Application Fee:– The candidates are required to deposit an Application Fee of Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two Hundred only) which is non-refundable. The Application Fee is fully exempted in the case of SC/ST/Persons with Disabilities (PWDs)/ Ex-Apprentices of HAL & Candidates sponsored by Employment Exchange & Zilla Sainik Welfare Board. For the candidates who have to pay Application Fee a link “Proceed to Payment” will be provided in our website for payment which would take the candidate to “State Bank Collect Homepage” after making the PROVISIONAL Registration. After filling up the required details in the “State Bank Collect Homepage” the candidates can deposit Application Fee through Internet Banking/ Debit Card/ Credit Card/ Bank e-Challan. After making the payment, a Payment Slip will be generated on screen and the candidates should take the print of that payment slip for future reference.
Helpdesk :- In case of any particular query not covered above, the candidate can write to HAL at Email ID recruitment.adlko@hal-india.com only. No other method of communication will be entertained.
Important Notice of HAL, Lucknow (UP) Recruitment 2018
For more information related to HAL, Lucknow (UP) Recruitment 2018. you can see published notices. Please share this information with your friends and help them and visit daily on our website for daily employment.
Note :- Before Submit Application Form Kindly Read Advertisement Carefully
Important Dates of HAL, Lucknow (UP) Recruitment 2018:-
- On-line Registration of Applications (Opening Date) 25/01/2018
- Last Date for Registration (Closing Date) 14/02/2018