Applications for the post of GRS are invited from the intending candidates in the prescribed form available on the district website (www.sambalpur.nic.in). The candidates having the requisite eligibility criteria for engagement in 15 (fifteen) posts of Gram Rozgar Sevaks (GRSs) in different Gram Panchayats of Sambalpur District under MGNREGS on contractual basis. The Gram Rozgar Sewak shall get a consolidated monthly remuneration of Rs.7000/- (Seven thousand) per month.
The applications in prescribed form duly filled in and the sealed cover superscribed as ” APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF GRAM ROZGAR SEVAK along with the self attested copy of the required Documents Testimonials in support of the Date of Birth, Educational Qualification, Mark Sheet, Residential and Caste Certificate issued by the concerned Tahasildar/Addl. Tahasildar. The applications should reach to the Project Director, DRDA, Kachery Road Sambalpur on or before 20.07.2020 by 5.30 PM by Registered Post/Speed Post only. The application received beyond the stipulated date shall not be considered. Incomplete applications and application without self attested copies of requisite documents are liable for rejection without any notice.
Gram Rozgar Sevak ,Sambalpur Recruitment 2020
Vacancy Details :-
Total No. of Vacancy :- 15 Posts
Name of Posts :- Multi Purpose Assistant (Gram Rozgar Sevak)
Education Qualification :- Must Have passed 10th / +2 Exam . Diploma holder not equivalent to +2 are Not eligible.
- Should be a resident of Block concerned
- Candidates belonging to the GP concerned shall be given preference.
- Candidates with +2 in Commerce Education “O” Level or equivalent shall be preferred.
- Produce residential Certificate issued by the competent authority.
Age Limit (as on 01-06-2020)
- Minimum Age Limit: 18 Years
- Maximum Age Limit: 40 Years
How to Apply :- The Applicant shall send the filled in application form along with attested photocopies of the relevant certificates showing the date of Birth ,qualification , two nos. of passport size (3.5 X 2.5) photograph and all other documents as per check list to the Project Director, DRDA, Kachery Road Sambalpur by registered Post / Speed post only
Important Notice of Gram Rozgar Sevak ,Sambalpur Recruitment 2020
For more information related to jobs in Odisha. you can see published notices. Please share this information with your friends and help them and visit daily on our website for daily employment.
Note :- Before Submit Application Form Kindly Read Advertisement Carefully
Important Dates of Gram Rozgar Sevak ,Sambalpur Recruitment 2020-
- Last Date for Receipt of Applications: 22-07-2020.
Note: Candidate’s are advised to go through the complete published Advertisement and ensure your eligibility before applying.
उम्मीदवारों को सलाह दी जाती है कि वह प्रकाशित विज्ञापन को पूर्ण रूप से पढ़ें तथा आवेदन करने से पहले अपनी पात्रता को सुनिश्चित करें।
Important Link of Gram Rozgar Sevak ,Sambalpur Recruitment 2020
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