Garm Panchayati Raj Bokaro Recruitment has published Employment News for the posts of Computer Operator . All the candidates are requested to read all the necessary employment related information before applying for this government job only after application Do.
Full Details of Garm Panchayati Raj Bokaro Recruitment 2017
- Number of vacant Posts – 41 Vacancy
Name of Posts :- Computer Operator
- B.com/B.Sc/BCA with 50% marks Or its equivalent degree, please be sure to see the published notices for this job for exact information.
- Age limit what is – Age of candidates 18-35 years must be between the ages .Please see published notices for age relaxation and other information.
- Salary :- Rs. 10000/- per Month
- Application fees :- Rs. 500/- for General/OBC Candidate And RS. 300/- for SC/ST Candidate.
Original Bank Draft Drawn on any nationalized Bank payable at Bokaro in Favor of Deputy Commissioner ,Bokaro toward the Payment of Examination Fees.
Important Notice of Garm Panchayati Raj Bokaro Recruitment
For more information related to Garm Panchayati Raj Bokaro Recruitment you can see published notices. Please share this information with your friends and help them and visit daily on our website for daily employment.
Important Dates of Garm Panchayati Raj Bokaro Recruitment:-
- Last Date of Submit Application form : 04/09/2017