Food Corporation of India (FCI RECRUITMENT) under the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution (established under the Food Corporations Act, 1964) one of the largest Public Sector Undertaking
dealing with food grain supply-chain management, intends to recruit Watchmen (Category IV) for
manning in its Depots and Offices spread all over Karnataka Region. Only ONLINE APPLICATIONS
are invited from eligible candidates who fulfill the prescribed qualifications, age, etc. for the said post
(Advt. No.01/2017- FCI Category -IV)
FCI Vacancy Details:
Name of the Post: Watchman
- Total No. of Posts: 117 vacancies
SC – 18 vacancies
ST – 08 vacancies
OBC – 31 vacancies
UR – 60 vacancies - Educational Qualification :- 8th Standard Pass *
- Age Limit :- Age is additionally relaxable by 5 years for those applicants who had ordinarily been
domiciled in the Kashmir Division in the State of Jammu and Kashmir during the period
01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989. Any applicant intending to avail the relaxation under this category
shall have to submit a certificate from the District Magistrate in Kashmir Division within whose
jurisdiction she/he had ordinarily resided or any other authority designated in this behalf by the
Govt. of Jammu & Kashmir to the effect that she/he had ordinarily been domiciled in the
Kashmir Division of the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from 01.01.1980 to
- WRITTEN TEST (Duration- 120 Minutes) :- There shall be one paper of 100 Multiple Choice Questions consisting of
4 sections viz. Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning - PHYSICAL ENDURANCE TEST (ONLY FOR QUALIFYING PURPOSE) :- It is of qualifying nature only which consists of a basic Physical
Standards test and the event as detailed below. The standards for PET are
different for Male and Female candidates.
- In case of multiple applications by the same candidate, the candidature shall be summarily
rejected - The candidate will be considered for the post applied for, on the basis of his / her merit for the
post. - The Admit Card for the Written Test indicating the time and venue of examination for each
candidate can be downloaded from www.fciapply.com only 15 days prior to the date of
examination onwards. Candidates, who are not able to generate their Admit Cards online at least
one week before the date of the examination, should contact at email ID epostmsf@gmail.com.
Even then if the grievances are not addressed, the candidates may contact in person to FCI
Regional Office, Bangalore with proof of online submission of Application Form for generating
Admit Card online. Intimation about shortlisted candidate will be posted on website for which
candidate may keep in touch through website www.fciapply.com. A candidate has to appear in all
the phases of the recruitment process to be eligible for the selection. The candidates are advised to
keep in touch through the Website.Application fee (Non- Refundable)
- SC / ST / PWD(PH) / Serving Defence Personnel / Ex-Serviceman (Ex-Serviceman who have already
secured employment in civil side under Central Government in Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ posts on regular basis
after availing of the benefits of reservation given to Ex-Servicemen for their re-employment are NOT
eligible for fee concession or for claiming benefits of reservation under EXS category. However, they
are eligible for age relaxation only. Women candidates are exempted from payment of Application
Fee, subject to uploading of Caste / Disability / relevant Certificate / Undertaking from Appropriate
Authority in support of his/her claim. - Candidates except as specified above, applying for the post are required to submit APPLICATION FEE
of Rs. 250/- (Rupees Two Hundred and Fifty Only) through any one of the following modes of
Modes of Payment of FCI RECRUITMENT
- SBI Internet Banking, other major bank’s Internet Banking; Debit/Credit Cards (The additional bank
charges for all such transactions is to be borne by the candidates in addition to the Application Fee
of Rs.250/-.). The last date for making the Payment of Application Fee through this mode is
24/07/2017. - Cash Payment through e-challan at branches of SBI. The additional bank charges for Challan Mode
is to be borne by the candidates. Last date for making the Payment of Application Fee by e-Challan
is 24/07/2017
Important Dates:
- Submission of Online Application Form will commence from :- 24/06/2017 at 10.00 Hrs(IST)
- Last Date for Online Application :- 24/07/2017till 23:59Hrs (IST)
- Availability of Admit Cards on website :- 15 days prior to announced date of examination
1.Candidates applying for the above post under this advertisement will be given posting in Karnataka region only.
2. If the qualification possessed by the candidate is equivalent, then the equivalency certificate is required only at the time of document verification.
3. No printed / hard copy of the filled Application Form or any other supporting documents is to be sent before shortlisting based on Written Test and / or Skill Test unless asked to submit specifically.
4. Candidates may visit the website: www.fciapply.com for regular updates. - SC / ST / PWD(PH) / Serving Defence Personnel / Ex-Serviceman (Ex-Serviceman who have already
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