Food Corporation of India (FCI) established under the Food Corporation Act, 1964 (Act No.37 of 1964) is one of the largest Public Sector Undertakings, dealing with Food Grain Supply-Chain Management invites only online applications for the post of “Watchman” for manning the posts in its depots and offices spread across the Uttar Pradesh Region. Only Online Applications are invited from the eligible candidates who fulfil the prescribed educational qualification, age criteria etc. for the posts given below:
FCI UP Recruitment 2017
Recruitment Examination-2017
Advertisement No. 01/2017-FCI-UP-W/M
Recruitment for the post of Watchman in Uttar Pradesh Region
Name of the Post: Watchman (Category IV)
Total No. of Posts: 408 vacancies
Educational Qualification :- 8th Standard Pass *
Age Limit: Candidates maximum age should be 18 to 25 years reckoned as on 01-08-2017. Age relaxation is 5 years in case of SC/ ST candidates and 3 years for OBC candidates, 10 years for PWD/ PH candidates, 15 years for PWD/ PH (SC/ ST) and 13 years for PWD/ PH (OBC) candidates admissible as per rules.
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on applicants performance in Written Test & Physical Endurance Test (PET).
Application Fee: Applicants required to pay Rs. 300/- through Online/ Offline. SC/ ST/ PWD/ EX-Serviceman and Female candidates are exempted from Application Fee.
Online Mode: Applicants required to pay application fee through SBI Internet Banking, other major bank’s Internet Banking; Debit/ Credit Cards (The additional bank charges for all such transactions is to be borne by the candidates in addition to the Application Fee of Rs. 250/-(Excluding bank charges and including of GST i.e. Rs.38/-).
Offline Mode: Applicants required to pay application fee by Cash Payment through e-challan at branches of SBI. The additional bank charges for Challan Mode is to be borne by the candidates.
Important Notice of FCI UP Recruitment
For more information related to FCI UP Recruitment you can see published notices. Please share this information with your friends and help them and visit daily on our website for daily employment.
Important Dates of FCI UP Recruitment :-
- Starting Date for Apply Online: 07/10/2017 from 11:00 Hrs (IST)
- Last Date to Apply Online: 06/11/2017 till 23:59 Hrs
- Last Date for Payment of Application Fee: 06/11/2017.
- Availability of Admit Cards on website :- 10 days prior to date of examination
- Date of Written Test :- Will be announced in website www.fciupjobs.com
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