Applications in plain paper in the format given below are invited for filling up the following posts of Junior Clerk-cum-Copyist, Junior Typist, Stenographer Grade-III & Salaried Amin in the Judgeship of Sonepur in the pay structures as mentioned against each.
About :- “National Policy and Action Plan for Implementation of information and communication technology (ICT) in the Indian Judiciary – 2005”
Total Posts : 38 VACANCY
- Junior Clerk Copyist 24 posts(UR-12,SEBC-02,SC-03,ST-07)
Scale of Pay : Rs. 5200-20200/-G.P. Rs. 1900/-
- Junior Clerk Copyist 24 posts(UR-12,SEBC-02,SC-03,ST-07)
- Junior Typist 06 posts(UR-03,SEBC-01,SC-01,ST-01)
Scale of Pay : Rs. 5200-20200/-G.P. Rs. 1900/-
- Junior Typist 06 posts(UR-03,SEBC-01,SC-01,ST-01)
- Stenographer Grade-III 07 posts(UR-03,SEBC-01,SC-01,ST-02)
Scale of Pay : Rs. 5200-20200/- G.P. Rs. 2400/-
- Stenographer Grade-III 07 posts(UR-03,SEBC-01,SC-01,ST-02)
- Salaried Amin 01 posts(UR-01,SEBC-00,SC-00,ST-00)
Scale of Pay : Rs. 5200-20200/-G.P. Rs. 2400/-
- Salaried Amin 01 posts(UR-01,SEBC-00,SC-00,ST-00)
a) Eligibility or Age Limit of the candidates for the post of Junior Clerk-cum-Copyist, Junior Typist and Stenographer Gr.III
- b) Must have passed at least +2 examination conducted by the Council constituted under Section 3 of the Orissa Higher Secondary Education Act, 1982 or equivalent examination of a recognized Council, Board or University as the case may be.
- c) Must have at least passed Diploma in Computer Application from a recognized institute.
- d) Must be over 18 years and below 32 years of age on the last date fixed for receipt of application.Provided that, the upper age-limit in respect of reserved categories of candidates shall be relaxed in accordance with the provisions of the relevant Act, Rules, Orders or Instructions, for the time being in force.
- e) For the post of Stenographer Grade-III the candidates shall possess minimum speed of 80 words in Shorthand and 40 words in Typewriting per minute. Such minimum qualification for candidates for the post of Typist shall be 40 words per minute in Typewriting in English.
Eligibility or Age Limit of the candidates for the post of Salaried Amin
- a) Must have passed the matriculation examination or equivalent examination of a recognized board.
- b) Have passed the Revenue Inspector Training from a recognized institution.
- c) Must be able to speak, read and write Oriya and have passed a test in Oriya equivalent to the M.E. standard
- d) Must be over 18 years and below 32 years of age on the last date fixed for receipt of application.Provided that, the upper age-limit in respect of reserved categories of candidates shall be relaxed in accordance with the provisions of the relevant Act, Rules, Orders or Instructions, for the time being in force.
EXAMINATION FEE : The candidates are required to deposit fees of Rs. 100/- (Rupees one hundred) only in shape of treasury challan under the head “0070-Other Administrative Services-01- Administration of Justice-501-Services and Service fees-9904650-Law Department-9916730- Examination Fees for Recruitment conducted by Orissa District and Subordinate Courts.” Candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe are exempted from payment of examination fees.
Important Dates
- Applications along with required documents and attested copies of certificates must reach
The office of the District Judge,
Po/ District- Subarnapur,767017
by 16.11.2016, 5 PM and application received in the office after the last date & time shall be summarily rejected.
- Applications along with required documents and attested copies of certificates must reach