If you are looking CPCL Recruitment.You are on right place.we have good collection of Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited (CPCL) Recruitment .Please scroll down and check out our collections. Read our Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited (CPCL) Published Notification This year on 19-10-2019 of Trade Apprentice – 142 Posts .We are always committed to provide CPCL Trade Apprentice Recruitment Online Application Form.
CPCL Recruitment 2020
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited (CPCL), as a measure of Skill Building Initiative for the Nation, invites applications for engagement of Trade Apprentices under Apprentices Act, 1961 in the following designated / optional trades: –
Advertisement No. CPCL/TA/2020-21
Total No of Seats :- 142 Seats
Post Name | Total |
Fitter | 13 |
Welder | 09 |
Electrician | 09 |
Mechanic (Motor Vehicle) | 09 |
Machinist | 05 |
Turner | 05 |
Mechanic Refrigeration and Air Conditioning | 02 |
Instrument Mechanic | 02 |
Draughtsman (Civil) | 04 |
Draughtsman (Mechanical) | 02 |
Computer Operator and Programming Assistant | 03 |
Food Production (Genl.) | 02 |
Laboratory Assistant (Chemical Plant) | 10 |
Attendant Operator (Chemical Plant) | 10 |
Accountant | 02 |
Back Office Apprentice | 17 |
Executive (Marketing) | 02 |
Executive (Human Resource) | 08 |
Executive (Computer Science) | 09 |
Executive (Finance & Accounts) | 04 |
Office Assistant (Skill Certificate Holders) | 03 |
Warehouse Executive (Receipts & Despatch) (Skill Certificate Holders) | 02 |
Store Keeper (Fresher Apprentice) | 05 |
Data Entry Operator (Fresher Apprentice) | 05 |
Education Qualification :-
Post Name | Qualification |
Fitter | Passed 10th class examination and ITI (Fitter) course. |
Welder | Passed 10th class examination and ITI (Welder) course. |
Electrician | Passed 10th class examination and ITI (Electrician) course. |
Mechanic (Motor Vehicle) | Passed 10th class examination and ITI (MMV) course. |
Machinist | Passed 10th class examination and ITI (Machinist) course |
Turner | Passed 10th class examination and ITI (Turner) course. |
Mechanic Refrigeration and Air Conditioning | Passed 10th class examination and ITI (Mechanic Ref.& AC) course |
Instrument Mechanic | Passed 10th class examination and ITI (Instrument Mechanic) course |
Draughtsman (Civil) | Passed 10th class examination and ITI (Draughtsman (Civil)) course. |
Draughtsman (Mechanical) | Passed 10th class examination and ITI (Draughtsman (Mech.)) course |
Computer Operator and Programming Assistant | Passed 10th class examination and ITI (COPA) course. |
Food Production (Genl.) | Passed 10th class examination and ITI (Food Production Genl.) course. |
Laboratory Assistant (Chemical Plant) | Passed B.Sc. with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematic or Biology. |
Attendant Operator (Chemical Plant) | Passed B.Sc. with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematic or Biology. |
Accountant | Passed B.Com |
Back Office Apprentice | Passed any Graduation (Non-Engineering) |
Executive (Marketing) | MBA (Marketing) / Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing Management (2 years full time Course). |
Executive (Human Resource) | MBA (HR) / MSW / Post Graduate Diploma in Personnel Management / Personnel Management & Industrial Relation (2 years full time Course) |
Executive (Computer Science) | MCA (3 years full time Course). |
Executive (Finance & Accounts) | CA/ICWA/ MFC / MBA (Finance & Accounts) / Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Management |
Office Assistant (Skill Certificate Holders) | Passed 12th class examination and candidate should possess Skill Certificate of “Office Assistant”. |
Warehouse Executive (Receipts & Despatch) (Skill Certificate Holders) | Passed 12th class examination and candidate should possess Skill Certificate of “Warehouse Executive (Receipts & Despatch or relevant” |
Store Keeper (Fresher Apprentice) | Passed 12th Class Examination. |
Data Entry Operator (Fresher Apprentice) | Passed 12th Class Examination. |
Age Limit (as on 01-10-2020)
- Minimum Age: 18 Years
- Maximum Age: 24 Years
- Age relaxation is admissible for SC/ST/OBC/ PwBD candidates as per rules.
How to Apply in online: The candidates will have to apply online for the Apprenticeship Training through the website of Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited. To apply visit: www.cpcl.co.in. The candidate must possess a valid e-mail ID. The site will be functional from 10:30 hours of 18.10.2020 to midnight of 01.11.2020. Once the candidates submit their data Online, system will display a print option to generate the online Application Form. The candidates will have to download the form and keep it safe with them for future reference and appearing for the verification of their records.
Important Dates
- Starting Date for Apply Online: 18-10-2020 at 10:30 Hrs
- Last Date to Apply Online: 01-11-2020 till midnight
Important links For This Job