Computer Operator Vacancy in Jharkhand, 2024
Short-term Contractual Recruitment Notice
Advertisement Ref. No: 2491
Dr. RamDayalMunda Tribal Welfare Research Institute under the Department of Schedule Tribe, Schedule Caste, Minority and Other Backward Class Welfare, Government of Jharkhand intends to recruit Computer Operators (Contractual). Applications are invited from the suitable candidates for rendering services: –
Name of Post – Computer Operator
No. of post – 02 Posts (UR- 1,ST- 1)
Contract will be period for 1 year extendable to additional 1 year subject to performance evaluation.
Education Qualification Computer Operator Vacancy in Jharkhand
- Graduate in any discipline with Diploma or Certificate in Computer Application
Work to be performed Computer Operator Vacancy in Jharkhand
- Ability to handle MS-Word, MS-excel, MS-Power point Hindi & English Typing work with speed of 25/35 w.p.m. respectively.
- Create data interfaces/ online central databases
- Maintaining documents and record keeping
- Any other technical / administrative assistance / responsibilities assigned by senior officers from time to time.
Age limit
Age should be as per Jharkhand Govt. norms. (Personnel, Administrative Reforms and Rajbhasha Department, Govt. of Jharkhand Sankalp Memo No. 2096 dt. 25.04.2011)
- Unreserved- 35 years
- BC.I/B.C.II- 37 years
- Women- 38 years
- ST/SC- 40 Years
The Monthly Salary of Computer Operator Vacancy in Jharkhand
- Remuneration will be around 34,000 (as on date 28/12/2023) as prescribed by Finance Department, Govt. of Jharkhand.
How to apply: Duly filled application form in prescribed format along with the self attested copy of the proof of age, qualification and experience should be sent only through email to openings@gmail.com or through registered post/speed post or by hand to office addressed to the “Director, Dr. RamDayalMunda Tribal Welfare Research Institute, Morabadi, Ranchi-834008″ with title “Application for Computer Operator”.
- Candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of marks earned at Matriculation, Intermediate and Graduation Level.
- Shortlisted candidates will be informed through telephone/e-mail only.
- These shortlisted candidates would be called in for typing test at Ranchi at around 25.01.2024 and thus screened applicants’ experience and certificate will be evaluated in a week time by select committee.
- The contract shall not confer any right or claim of extension/absorption in the department.
Dr. RamDayalMunda Tribal Welfare Research Institute, Ranchi reserves the right to cancel/postpone the recruitment wholly or partly if so required. No claim will be admissible in case of such cancellation/postponement.
Important Date :-
- Last date for receiving the application is 18.01. 2024 (5.00PM).
Download the notification and Application Form
Offical Website Dr. Ramdayal Munda Tribal Welfare Research Institute