Applications are invited from willing candidates, for engagement in 50 (fifty) post of Civic Volunteers under Kolkata Police and sent to the Office of Addl. Commissioner of Police (VI), K.P. Body Guard Lines, 7 D.H. Road, Kolkata – 700027, so as to reach on or before 10.12.2017.
Civic Volunteer Recruitment in Kolkata Police, 2017
Details of the terms and conditions of the engagement of Civic Volunteers
Kolkata Police Vacancy Details : –
Total No. of Posts :- 50 Vacancies
Name of Posts :- Civic Volunteer
The applicant should posses the following Eligibility Criteria:.
- Age Limit :- Minimum age of the applicant should be 20 years (as on 1st September of
2017) and maximum age is 60 years. - Education Qualification :- Minimum Educational Qualification: Class-VIII.
- Should not have any criminal record against him / her in any Police Station.
- Should be physically and mentally fit.
Selection process:
- Applicants will download the Application Form from the website and submit the same at Drop Box kept at Control Room – Body Guard Lines , 7, D.H. Road Alipore, Kolkata 700027
- The selection of Civic Volunteers for enrolment will be done by the process of interview by the Selection Committee chaired by Sr. DC (AP) Kolkata, along with ACP Brigade HQ and one Inspector working under the D.C as member.
- Any disputes arise during their selection process or voluntary service of Civic Volunteers will be decided by an Appellate Board comprising the Commissioner of Police, Kolkata as the Chairman and Addl. Commissioner of Police (IV), Kolkata and Jt. Commissioner of Police (AP), Kolkata as members.
- The selected volunteers will have no claim as to the employability in Kolkata Police or any other department of the Govt. for such engagement.
- Each such volunteer will be paid honorarium at a rate prescribed by the Government on furnishing of working statement certified by Officer-in Charge, under whom he/she will be deputed.
- Each volunteer will be assigned one ID No. at the time of induction.
- Each volunteer will have to undergo a 2 weeks training course.
- After observing necessary selection procedure and completion of training, such Civic Volunteer will be inducted and deployed in different units of Kolkata Armed Police.
No application will be received through Speed post/Registered post.
Important Notice of Civic Volunteer Recruitment in Kolkata Police, 2017
For more information related to Civic Volunteer Recruitment in Kolkata Police, 2017 . you can see published notices. Please share this information with your friends and help them and visit daily on our website for daily employment.
Note :- Before Submit Application Form Kindly Read Advertisement Carefully
Important Dates of Civic Volunteer Recruitment in Kolkata Police, 2017 :-
BY 5.00 PM.
Download Advertisement and Application Form of Civic Volunteer Recruitment in Kolkata Police, 2017