Requirement of Aadhaar for the Applicants of UGC-NET(November)2017
On behalf of UGC, the Central Board of Secondary Education announces holding of the National Eligibility Test (NET) on 05th November 2017 for determining the eligibility of Indian nationals for the Eligibility for Assistant Professor only or Junior Research Fellowship & Eligibility for Assistant Professor Both in Indian Universities and Colleges. CBSE will conduct NET in 84 subjects at 91 selected NET Examination Cities spread across the country.
The candidates who qualify for the award of Junior Research Fellowship are eligible to pursue research in the subject of their post-graduation or in a related subject and are also eligible for Assistant Professor. The universities, institutions, IITs and other national organizations may select the JRF awardees for whole time research work in accordance with the procedure prescribed by them. The award of JRF and Eligibility for Assistant Professor both OR Eligibility for Assistant Professor only will depend on the performance of the candidate in all three papers of NET. However, the candidates qualifying exclusively for Assistant Professor will not be considered for award of JRF.
The role of CBSE is only upto the conduct of NET Examination and declaration of result. The e-certificates to qualified candidate are issued by UGC- NET Bureau. So the candidates declared qualified in NET are informed to contact Head, UGC NET Bureau, University of Delhi, South Campus, Benito Juarez Marg , New Delhi, Pin Code-110021, Phone No. (011-24116316, 24115416, 24115419) .
It is notified that CBSE will conduct the next UGC-NET for Junior Research Fellowship & Eligibility for Assistant Professor on 05th November, 2017 (Sunday). The candidates who desire to appear in the test may see the detailed notification available on the websitehttp://cbsenet.nic.in from 04th August, 2017.The candidates are required to apply online from 11th August, 2017. The last date for applying online is 11th September, 2017 and fee can be paid up to 12th Spetember, 2017. The CBSE has decided to use Aadhaar authentication for the applicants at the time of submission of application form for UGC – NET (November) – 2017. The candidates may see the detail notification (Requirement of Aadhaar for NET November 2017) in this regard.
In reference to notification for UGC-NET(November) 2017 published in the news paper regarding schedule of filling online application for the said examination, following is being informed:
The use of Aadhaar for the applicants of UGC-NET(November) 2017 will result in accuracy of the applicants’ details. This will also help in ascertaining identities of the applicants at the examination centres in a convenient and hassle free manner. Aadhaar obviates the need for producing multiple documents to prove one’s identity.
UGC National Eligibility Test 2017
( Central Board of Secondary Education )
Post Name – Assistant Professor and Junior Fellowship
Vacancy Details For CBSE UGC NET Online Form 2017
Post Name- Assistant Professor and Junior Fellowship
Number of Posts- Not mentioned
Pay Scale- Not mentioned
Educational Qualification: The candidates should be completed or pursuing Master’s Degree or its equivalent with minimum 55% marks (50% marks for OBC belonging to non-creamy layer/ SC/ST/ PWD) from UGC recognized University/ Institution.
For more details, Please check the official website.
How to Apply – The candidates who are interested can apply online through the official website of CBSE National Eligibility Test from 11.08.2017 to 11.09.2017.
Mode of Selection- The candidates will be selected on the basis of Written Test
Junior Research Fellowship: Not more than 28 years as on 01.11.2017. A relaxation up to 5 years is provided to the candidates belonging to OBC (Non- creamy layer, as per the Central list of OBC available on website: www.ncbc.nic.in ) SC/ST/PwD categories and to women applicants. Relaxation will also be provided to the candidates having research experience, limited to the period spent on research in the relevant/related subject of postgraduation degree, subject to a maximum of 5 years, on production of a certificate from appropriate authority. Three years relaxation in age will be permissible to the candidates possessing L.L.M. Degree. Total age relaxation on the above ground(s) shall not exceed five years under any circumstances
Assistant Professor: There is no upper age limit for applying for eligibility for Assistant Professor.
The application fee amount for NET has been increased and it is as mentioned below:
General- Rs. 1000/-
OBC : Rs. 500/-
SC / ST / PWD : Rs. 250/-
The candidates can make payment online through Net Banking, Credit or Debit Card.
The candidates may pay the examination fee either by credit/ debit card or through echallan generated during the online filling of the application form. In case of e-challan the payment should be made in the Syndicate/Canara/ICICI/HDFC Bank. In case the examination fee is paid through credit/debit card the additional processing charges as following will also be debited from the credit/debit card of the candidate.
Credit card: – 1.20% of the examination fee plus the service tax as applicable.
Debit Card: – 0.75% of examination fee plus the service tax as applicable
Notification For UGC- NET November -2017 For Eligibility for Assistant Professor only or Junior Research Fellowship &Eligibility for Assistant Professor Both
Important Notice of CBSE UGC NET 2017
For more information related to CBSE UGC NET 2017 you can see published notices. Please share this information with your friends and help them and visit daily on our website for daily employment.
Important Dates of CBSE UGC NET 2017 :-
- Submission of online application form :- 11/08/2017
- Last date for Applying Online :- 11/09/2017
- Last date of submission of Fee through online generated Bank challan, at any branch of (Syndicate/Canara/ICICI/HDFC Bank) or through credit/debit card :- 12/09/2017
- Correction in Particulars of application form on the website :- 19th to 25th September, 2017
- Date of Examination :- 05/11/2017
See #Official Full Notifications here
Public Notice Requirement of Aadhaar for the Applicants of UGC-NET(November)2017