If you are looking Cantonment Board, Belgaum Recruitment You are on right place.we have good collection Cantonment Board, Belgaum Vacancy . Please scroll down and check out our collections. Read our Cantonment Board, Belgaum is Published Notification This year on 10-11-2019 of Midwife, Cooly, Safaiwala, Assistant Teacher – 6 Posts Posts Vacancies on Regular basis.
Cantonment Board, Belgaum Recruitment 2019-20
Application from eligible candidates are hereby invited for the recruitment of following posts in the Cantonment Board Belgaum. The application format, terms and conditions can be obtained from the office website: www.cbbelgaum.in or Office Notice Board. The Last date of Receipt of applications is on 23-11-2019.
Cantonment Board, Belgaum Vacancy Details :-
Total No. of Posts :- 06 Vacancy
Name of Posts :-
P osts Name | No. of Posts | Upper Age limit as on 23.11.2019 |
Midwife | 1 | 25 |
Cooly | 1 | 25 |
Safaiwala | 2 | 30 |
Primary Assistant Teacher(CBSE English Medium School) | 1 | 30 |
High School Assistant Teacher (to teach Marathi Subject in Marathi Medium High School) | 1 | 28 |
Education Qualification :-
Posts Name | Qualification |
Midwife | Diploma in Nursing (GNM) and Registered with State Nursing Council. |
Cooly | 7th Standard Pass |
Safaiwala | 7th Standard Pass |
Primary Assistant Teacher(CBSE English Medium School) |
High School Assistant Teacher (to teach Marathi Subject in Marathi Medium High School) |
Application Fee :- Application should accompany a Demand Draft of Rs.300/– as processing fee drawn in favour of the “Chief Executive Officer, Cantonment Board, Belgaum”, payable at Belgaum from Nationalised Bank only which is not refundable. The applicants belonging to SC / ST / Physically Disable Category are exempted from paying the processing fee.
How to Apply :- Application complete in all respect, as per prescribed format given here-in-after and addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Cantonment Board, BC No.41, Khanapur Road, Camp, Belagavi-590001 (Karnataka State) by Registered / Speed Post. Postal delay will not be accepted.
Important Date
- Last date of Receipt of application: 23-11-2019.