BPSC has issued a notification for Assistant Engineer vacancies on regular basis. Eligible candidates can apply online . Kindly Download full advertisement Other details like age limit,# educational qualification, selection process, application fee & how to apply are Download given below
Bihar Public Service Commission

- Total No. Posts 1065 Posts
- Total No. Posts 1065 Posts
- Name of Posts Assistant EngineerTotal No. of Posts : 1065 vacancies
- Assistant Engineer (Civil) with various departments, Govt. of Bihar. (Advt. No. 02/2017)Total No. posts : – 963 vacancies
- Path Nirman Vibhag Bihar :- 236 vacancies
- Lok Swasthya Abhiyantran Vibhag ,Bihar Sarkar :- 60 vacancies
- Laghu Jal Sansadhan Vibhag , Bihar Sarkar :- 58 vacancies
- Jal Sansadhan Vibhag , Bihar Sarkar:- 284 vacancies
- Bhawan Nirman Vibhag , Bihar Sarkar:- 75 vacancies
- Gramin Karya Vibhag , Bihar Sarkar:- 250 vacancies
- Assistant Engineer (Civil) with various departments, Govt. of Bihar. (Advt. No. 02/2017)Total No. posts : – 963 vacancies
- Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) with various departments, Govt. of Bihar. (Advt. No. 03/2017)Total No. posts : – 96 vacancies
- Lok Swasthya Abhiyantran Vibhag ,Bihar Sarkar :- 06 vacancies
- Laghu Jal Sansadhan Vibhag , Bihar Sarkar :- 27 vacancies
- Jal Sansadhan Vibhag , Bihar Sarkar:- 63 vacancies
- Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) with various departments, Govt. of Bihar. (Advt. No. 03/2017)Total No. posts : – 96 vacancies
- Assistant Engineer (Civil) with Animal & Fisheries Resources Dept., Govt. of Bihar. (Advt. No. 04/2017)Total No. posts : – 06 vacancies
- Pashu And Matsya Sansadhan Vibhag ,Bihar Sarkar :- 06 vacancies
- Assistant Engineer (Civil) with Animal & Fisheries Resources Dept., Govt. of Bihar. (Advt. No. 04/2017)Total No. posts : – 06 vacancies
- Application Fee:-
- UR/ OBC Candidates : Rs. 750/-(Fee) + Rs.50/-(Bank charge) = Rs. 800/-(Total)
- SC/ ST Candidates : Rs. 200/-(Fee) + Rs.50/-(Bank charge) = Rs. 250/-(Total)
- Payment Mathod Bank Challan . Challan Download Link Given Below.
- SBI Account No. : 31650243410
- Application Fee:-
Important Date
- Last Date Of Submit Applicantion Form 12/04/2017
- Candidates are required to download the application format . Download Link Given Below and forward the filled in application along with all documents as mentioned above to the following address:-
15, Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg (Bailey Road), Patna – 800 001 (BIHAR)
- Candidates are required to download the application format . Download Link Given Below and forward the filled in application along with all documents as mentioned above to the following address:-