The Bihar Vikas Mission (BVM) is a new entity established by the Goverment of Bihar , under Society Registration Act, 1860 to Continue its Primary agenda of sustained development in the state of Bihar and to drive effective planing and execution of various key Goverment development programs .
Bihar Vikas Mission Recruitment 2017-18
Hiring of Manpower for Phase -IV positions at Bihar Vikas Mission
Total No. of Posts :- 249 Vacancies
Name of Posts :- Man Power Phase-IV
Candidate Instructions:
- Vacant positions may increase/decrease at the time of finally going for recruitment.
- The upper age limit for eligibility will be as per the age criteria of concerned position and mentioned in Job Description
- Only online applications filled completely in the prescribed format along with valid supporting document shall be accepted(No document will be accepted post last date of submission of application)
- . No application shall be entertained manually or by post.
- The Recruitment will be done on contractual basis for a period 3 Years. Fresh contract will be issued every 11 months and will be subject to employee performance in accordance with terms and conditions of HR Manual of Bihar Vikas Mission.
- No TA/DA will be given for attending interview for any position advertised
- Reservation policy will be as per prevalent state government rules. Candidate must attach relevant certificate(s) for the same.
- The benefits of reservation will be admissible to only those applicants who are Permanent resident of Bihar
- Candidates applying under reserved category need to submit copy of their caste certificate, duly issued by competent authority.
- 3% Horizontal Reservation will be provided by the state government for Grandsons & Granddaughters of Freedom Fighters, for availing this benefit the candidate has to submit the Freedom fighter Certificate, certificate of grandfather /grandmother along with permanent resident of Bihar certificate and family tree issued by competent authority.
- 35% of posts in each category mentioned above will be horizontally reserved for Women candidates as per the General Administration Department Notification No. – 963, dated 20/01/16 and Memo No – 2342 dated 15/02/2016.
- Bihar Vikas Mission reserves the right to cancel part or whole process of hiring the professionals partially or wholly
- Candidates with additional years of relevant experience (s) or relevant qualification(s) will be given extra weight age in terms of marks.
Important Notice of Bihar Vikas Mission Recruitment 2017-18
For more information related to Bihar Vikas Mission Recruitment 2017-18 you can see published notices. Please share this information with your friends and help them and visit daily on our website for daily employment.
Important Dates of Bihar Vikas Mission Recruitment 2017-18
- Last Date of Submit Application Form :- 15/10/2017
Note :- Before Submit Application Form Kindly Read Advertisement Carefully
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