Applications are invited for empanelment of Data Entry Operators purely on contract basis for deployment in various government offices in Delhi/NCR.
(A Government of India Enterprise under Ministry of Information & Broadcasting)
(A Mini Ratna Company) 
Advt. No. 3 /2017
Total No. Posts 113 Posts
- Data Entry Operator (English) 98 vacancies
Graduate from a recognized University having English typing speed of 35 wpm on computer 78 vacancies
Fee Per Month* (Gross) Rs. 12,870/-
12th Passed having English typing speed of 35 wpm on computer 20 vacancies
Fee Per Month* (Gross) Rs. 11,830/-
- Data Entry Operator (English) 98 vacancies
- Data Entry Operator (Hindi) 15 vacancies
Graduate OR 12th Passed having Hindi typing speed of 30 wpm on computer in Unicode
Fee Per Month* (Gross) Graduate Rs.12,870/- OR Non-graduate Rs.11,830/-
- Data Entry Operator (Hindi) 15 vacancies
- The duly filled in application form along with self-attested photocopies of educational/ experience certificates, two passport size photograph and registration fee of Rs.300/- (Rupees Three Hundred Only) by cash or demand draft drawn in favor of BROADCAST ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS INDIA LIMITED payable at New Delhi may be submitted
To Assistant General Manager (HR) in BECIL?s Corporate Office at BECIL Bhawan,
Noida-201307 (U.P).
The SC/ST/PH candidates are exempted from registration fee
- The duly filled in application form along with self-attested photocopies of educational/ experience certificates, two passport size photograph and registration fee of Rs.300/- (Rupees Three Hundred Only) by cash or demand draft drawn in favor of BROADCAST ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS INDIA LIMITED payable at New Delhi may be submitted
Important Date
- Last Date of Submit Application Form : 01/03/2017