Recruitment rallies will be conducted for selection of candidates for filling up of 145 posts of Constables in Assam Industrial Security Force from SPOs (Special Police Officers) those who worked in Dhubri and BTAD during 2012 ethnic problem and the SPOs who were deployed in the districts of Bongaigaon, Chirang, Baksa and N.C. Hills for National Highways and Railways line security during militancy in the Pay Band-II, i.e Rs14,000-49000/, with Grade pay of 5600 and other admissible allowances. The date and venue of Physical Standard Test / Physical Efficiency Test and Written Test would be intimated in due course of time through the Assam Police website (www.assampolice.gov.in), SMS and e-mail. Offline applications will be received with effect from 16-12-2017 in the Office of the Chairman State Level Police Recruitment Board, Rehabari, Guwahati- 08 (APHC Building). The offline format of application will be available on the Assam Police website w.e.f. 14-12-2017. The applications will be digitalised in presence of the candidate and payment will be made online only. No cash payment will be accepted. The last date for receipt of applications will be 26-12-2017 (midnight).
Assam Police Vacancy Details:
Total No. of Posts: 145 Posts
Name of the Post: Constable
Name of the category:-
- Unreserved: 82 Posts
- Scheduled Caste: 08 Posts
- Scheduled Tribes (Plain): 29 Posts
- Scheduled Tribes (Hills): 26 Posts
Educational qualification:- Class VIII passed from a recognized School/Institution.
Age Limit :- 18 to 40 years as on 1st July of 2017 (i.e. the candidate must be born on or before 01.07.1999 and after 01.07.1977).
Selection Process:- Candidates whose applications are found correct in all respect will have to undergo the Physical Standards Tests (PST) and Physical Efficiency Tests (PET). If any candidate is found to have any physical deformity as may be detected by the Medical Officer present in the Selection Board, he will be debarred from participating in the other tests.
Application Fee:- Candidates have to pay Rs. 250/- for General, Rs. 150/- for SC/ ST (P)/ ST(H)/ OBC/ MOBC through online payment, via secured payment gateway. No fee for BPL Certificate Holders.
HOW TO APPLY: Applications should be submitted in application Form given in the Annexure-‘A’ to the Chairman State Level Police Recruitment Board, Rehabari, Guwahati- 781008, (Building of APHC) alongwith the attested copies of certificates in support of age, educational qualification and caste for SC, ST(P), ST(H), OBC/MOBC with 3 (three) copies of recent passport size photographs, self addressed envelope size 25 Cm x 11 Cm affixing postal stamp of Rs.5.00.Application can be submitted by hand within stipulated period of time at the above address. After receipt of applications, scrutiny will be carried out. A list of eligible candidates for appearing in Physical Standard Test (PST) /Physical Efficiency Test (PET) will be published through Notice Board as well as through Official website: www.assampolice.gov.in. Individual call letters will be sent by post in the envelope attached with application form.
Important Notice of Assam Police RECRUITMENT OF CONSTABLE 2018
For more information related to Samastipur Bihar Anganwadi Sevika ,Sahayika Recruitment 2018 you can see published notices. Please share this information with your friends and help them and visit daily on our website for daily employment.
Note :- Before Submit Application Form Kindly Read Advertisement Carefully
Important Dates of Assam Police RECRUITMENT OF CONSTABLE 2018
- Last Date for Receipt of Application: 26-12-2017 upto midnight
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Online Application Form of Assam Police RECRUITMENT OF CONSTABLE 2018