Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited (AIC) a leading Crop Insurance Company, invites applications from Indian Citizens for recruitment of 50 (Fifty) Administrative Officers in Scale I Cadre in various discipline viz. Agriculture Sciences, Information Technology, Finance, Legal, Statistics, Marketing and Generalist.
Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited Recruitment 2017
Total No. of Posts :- 50 Vacancies
Name of Posts :- Administrative Officers
- Group A (Code No. 01 ) :- Agriculture
Educational Qualifications :- B. Sc.(Agriculture)/ B.E./B. Tech in Agriculture Engineering with 60% marks, (for SC/ST 55% marks). Or M.Sc.(Agriculture) with 60% marks (For SC/ST 55% marks).
- Group B (Code No. 02 ) :- I.T
Educational Qualifications :- BE/B. Tech (Computer/IT) with 60% marks, (for SC/ST 55% marks) or MCA (Masters in Computer Applications)/ M. Tech. in IT/MCM (Masters in Computer Management), with 60% marks, (for SC/ST 55% marks).
- Group C (Code No. 03 ) :- Finance
Educational Qualifications :-B. Com with 60% marks (for SC/ST 55% marks) Or M. Com with 60% marks (for SC/ST 55% marks). Or Chartered accountants (ICAI) Or Company Secretary (ICSE) Or Cost and Management Accountant (The Institute of Cost Accounts of India) earlier known as Cost and Work Accounts (ICWAI) Or MBA (Finance)*(2 years full time course) with 60% marks, (for SC/ST candidates 55%) from a recognized University.
- Group D (Code No. 04 ) :- Legal
Educational Qualifications :- Graduate in Law with 60% marks, (for SC/ST 55%) Or Post Graduation in Law with 60% marks (for SC/ST 55%) from a recognized university . - Group E (Code No. 05) :- Statistics
Educational Qualifications :- B. Sc. in Statistics with 60% marks (for SC/ST 55% marks) Or M. Sc. in Statistics with 60% marks, (for SC/ST candidates 55% marks). - Group F (Code No. 06) :- Marketing
Educational Qualifications :-Graduate Degree in Marketing/Sales with 60% marks (for SC/ST 55% marks) Or Post Graduate Degree (2 years full time course) of MBA (Marketing/Sales)** with minimum 60% of marks in aggregate (for SC/ST candidates 55% marks). - Group G (Code No. 07) :- Generalist
Educational Qualifications :- Graduate Degree in any discipline with 60% marks (for SC/ST 55% marks Or Masters’ Degree in any discipline with 60% marks (for SC/ST candidates 55% marks).
Age Limit (as on 01.09.2017) :- Minimum Age: 21 years & Maximum Age: 30 years as on 01.09.2017
Relaxation of Upper age limit
- Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe :- 5 years
- Other Backward Classes (Non-Creamy Layer) :- 3 years
- Ex-Servicemen / Disabled Ex-Servicemen :- actual period of service rendered in the defence forces + 3 years (8 years for Disabled Ex-Servicemen belonging to SC/ST) subject to a maximum age limit of 50 yearsWidows, divorced women and women legally separated from their husbands who have not remarried :- 9 years
- Persons ordinarily domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989 :- 5 years
- Persons affected by 1984 riots :- 5 years
- Regular employees of the Union Carbide Factory, Bhopal retrenched from service (Applicable to Madhya Pradesh state only) :- 5 years
Selection Procedure: – The final selection will be made on the basis of overall performance in online Examination and interview. Candidates will be called for online examination to be held in the month of November 2017 (tentative).
Application Fees/ Intimation Charges (non-Refundable) through on-line mode only. The amount of fee to be paid is indicated below:
Rs. 100/- for SC/ST/PWD/EXSM candidates.
Rs. 650 /- for all others
Important Notice of Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited Recruitment 2017
For more information related to Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited Recruitment 2017 you can see published notices. Please share this information with your friends and help them and visit daily on our website for daily employment.
Important Dates of Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited Recruitment 2017:-
- Candidates can apply online only from 15.09.2017 to 10.10.2017 and no other mode of application
will be accepted.
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