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# लोकसभा सचिवालय भर्ती Apply For 47 Apprentice in PARLIAMENT OF INDIA (RECRUITMENT BRANCH, LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT)
Applications are invited (through e-mail only) from eligible Indian citizens for filling up of the following vacancies for the post of Translator [Level 8 (Rs. 47600 – 151100) in the Pay Matrix] in Lok Sabha Secretariat on Direct Recruitment basis:-
पदों का नाम (Name of Posts) :- Translator
पदों की संख्या – 60 पद
- SC :- 03 पद
- ST :- 05 पद
- OBC :- 17 पद
- UR :- 13 पद
- EWS :- 09 पद
शैक्षिक योग्यता (Qualification)
- Master’s Degree in Hindi from a recognised University with English as a subject at the Degree Level OR
- Master’s Degree in English from a recognised University with Hindi as a subject at the Degree Level OR
- Master’s Degree in any subject from a recognised University with Hindi and English as subjects at the Degree Level OR
- Master’s Degree in any subject with Hindi medium* from a recognised University and English as a subject at the Degree Level OR
- Master’s Degree in any subject with English medium* from a recognized University and Hindi as a subject at the Degree Level. AND
- Diploma/Certificate course in Translation from Hindi to English and vice-versa from any University/ Institute recognised by the Government OR
- 02 years experience of Translation work from Hindi to English and viceversa in Central/State Government offices or State Legislature Secretariats or Central/State Public Sector Undertakings/Autonomous Bodies/Supreme Court of India/High Courts.
UPPER AGE LIMIT: 27 years (29 years for the candidates having the prescribed translation work experience of 02 years).
SELECTION PROCEDURE: – Eligible candidates will have to appear in written examination as per the following scheme
- Preliminary Examination:
- Main Examination:
HOW TO APPLY :- Eligible candidates have to apply for the above post strictly in the format prescribed in this Advertisement, either in English or in Hindi. The candidates may take a print out of the same. The candidates are advised to carefully fill up the various columns in the application form. It is the sole responsibility of the candidates to ensure that she/he fulfills the eligibility criteria. After filling up the application form, the candidates are advised to scan the application form along with the requisite documents required and e-mail the same on the e-mail address, recruitment-lss@sansad.nic.in.The admission of candidates at all the stages of examination will be purely provisional subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions.
Candidates in Government service should submit their application through proper channel by e-mail only. No such application will be accepted 7 days after the last date specified.
Important Dates
- Last Date for Receipt of Applications: 27-07-2020