MINISTRY OF DEFENCE 36 Field Ammunition Depot has issued a notification for various vacancies on regular basis. Eligible candidates can apply offline. Kindly Download full advertisement Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee & how to apply are Download given below.
36 Field Ammunition Depot Recruitment 2018
Government of India
36 Field Ammunition Depot Recruitment Details :-
Total No. of Posts :- 174 Vacancy
- Materiel Assistant :- 03 Posts (One (01) vacancy reserved for Exserviceman)
- Lower Division Clerk (LDC) :- 03 Posts (One (01) vacancy reserved for Exserviceman)
- Fireman :- 14 Posts [One (01) vacancy reserved for PH(HH)}
- Tradesman Mate :- 150 Posts [Out of 150 vacancies, 32 x vacancies are reserved for Ex- Serviceman and 05 x vacancies are reserved for PH {PH(VH) – 03 & PH(OH) – 02}. Out of 32 x vacancies reserved for Exserviceman, 05 x vacancies are back log.]
- MTS Gardener :- 02 Posts
- MTS (Messenger) :- 01 Posts
- Draughts man :- 01 Posts
Educational qualification :-
- Materiel Assistant :- Graduate in any discipline from any recognized University OR Diploma in Material Management from any recognized Institutions OR Diploma in Engineering in any discipline from any recognized Institutions.
- Lower Division Clerk (LDC) :- 12th Class Pass or equivalent from a recognized Board or University.
Typing proficiency (English typing @ 35 words per minute on computer or Hindi typing @ 30 words per minute corresponding to 10500 /9000 Key Depression Per Hour (KDPH) on an average of 5 key depressions for each word).
- Fireman :- Matriculation or equivalent from a recognized Board.
- Tradesman Mate :- Matriculation or equivalent from a recognized Board.
- MTS Gardener :- Matriculation pass or equivalent from recognized board
- MTS (Messenger) :- Matriculation pass or equivalent from recognized board
- Draughts man :- Matriculation or equivalent from a recognized Board / University. OR Two years diploma / certificate in Draughtsmanship (Civil) from any Industrial Training Institute or equivalent recognized Institution.
Age Limit :- 18 to 25 years for all posts except for the post of Material Assistant Age limit of the post of Material Assistant is 18 to 27 years. Age relaxation is applicable as per rules.
How to Apply :- Candidate will forward application properly sealed, in an envelope to the address mentioned against the post applied for, through Ordinary Post / Registered Post / Speed Post. Application in person will not be accepted. Candidates are requested to superscribe the words “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF _____________________” on the top of envelope while sending the application form.
Documents Required for Apply :- The photocopy of the following documents/certificates to be attached alongwith application duly self-attested .
- Two passport size latest photographs duly self attested, one on right corner of application and one on Acknowledgement card.
- Attested copies of the following certificates will also be submitted with application:-
- Education Qualification Certificate.
- Date of Birth Certificate
- Caste Certificate where applicable.
- Discharge certificate for Ex-Serviceman or NOC from the competent authority for serving Defence Personnel who are completing the prescribed period of Army services within a year from the last date for receiving application.
- Medical certificate (format attached) issued by Central / State Government medical board consisting of at least three members out of which at least one shall be a specialist in the particular field for assessing locomotor / cerebral / visual / hearing disability and certifying the percentage of disability (i.e. 40% and above).
- Self addressed envelope affixing postal stamps of Rs 25/-
Note – I : Central Government Civilian Employees must furnish “No Objection Certificate” from their employer/office else their candidature will be cancelled.
Important Notice of 36 Field Ammunition Depot Recruitment 2018
For more information related to 36 Field Ammunition Depot Recruitment 2018. you can see published notices. Please share this information with your friends and help them and visit daily on our website for daily employment.
Note :- Before Submit Application Form Kindly Read Advertisement Carefully
Important Dates of 36 Field Ammunition Depot Recruitment 2018 :-
- Published Date of Notification :- 18-12-2017
- Last Date of Submit Application form :- 21 Days
Download Advertisement and Application Form of 36 Field Ammunition Depot Recruitment 2018