If you are looking South Eastern Railway Recruitment .You are on right place.we have good collection South Eastern Railway career .Please scroll down and check out our collections. Read our South Eastern Railway Published Notification This year on 07-01-2020 of Apprentice – 1785 Posts.We are always committed to provide [1785 Posts] South Eastern Railway Apprentices Recruitment 2020 – Online Application Form for whatsapp, facebook.
South Eastern Railway Apprentices Recruitment 2020
South Eastern Railway Recruitment Notice for 1785 Posts – Apprentices 2020
South Eastern Railway Vacancy Details:
Total No of Posts: 1785 Vacancies
Name of the Post:- Apprentice
Trade :- Fitter , Turner , Electrician , Welder (G&E) , Mechanic (Diesel) , Machinist , Painter (G) , Refrigerator & AC Mechanic ,
Name of Workshop | No. of Posts |
Kharagpur Workshop | 360 |
Singal & Telecom (Workshop) /Kharagpur | 87 |
Track Machnic Workshop / Kharagpur | 120 |
SSE(works )/Engg / Kharagpur | 28 |
Carriage & Depot /Kharagpur | 121 |
Diesel Loco Shed /Kharagpur | 50 |
Sr. DEE (G) / Kharagpur | 90 |
TRD Depot / Electrical / Kharagpur | 40 |
EMU Shed /Electrical /TPKR | 40 |
Electric Loco Shed / Santragachi | 36 |
Sr. DEE (G) / Chakradharpur | 93 |
Electric Traction Deport / Chakradharpur | 30 |
Carriage & Wagon Depot /Chakadharpur | 65 |
Electric Loco Shed / TATA | 72 |
Engineering Workshop / SINI | 100 |
Track Machnic Workshop / SINI | 07 |
SSE(works )/Engg / Chakradhadharpur | 26 |
Electric Loco Shed / Bondamunda | 50 |
Diesel Loco Shed /Bonamunda | 52 |
Sr. DEE.(G) ADRA | 30 |
Carriage & Wagon Depot /ADRA | 65 |
Diesel LOCO Shed /BKSC | 33 |
TRD Depot / Electrical / ADRA | 30 |
Electric Loco Shed / BKSC | 31 |
Flash Butt Welding Plant / Jharsuguda | 25 |
SSE (Works ) / Engg / ADRA | 24 |
Carriage & Wagon Depot / Ranchi | 30 |
SR. DEE(G) /Ranchi | 30 |
TRD Depot / Electrical / Ranchi | 10 |
SSE (Works ) / Engg / Ranchi | 10 |
Total | 1785 |
Education Qualification :- Matriculation (10th ) from a recognized board with minimum 50% marks and an ITI pass Certificate ( relevant trade) granted by NCVT.
Age Limit (as on 01-01-2020)
- Age Limit: 15 to 24 Years
- Age Relaxation is applicable as per rules.
Application Fee
- FeeC: Rs. 100/- (Non- Refundable)
- For SC/ ST/ PWD/ Women: Nill
- Payment Mode (Offline): Debit Card/ Credit Card/ Internet Bankng/ E-Wallets etc.
For more information related to South Eastern Railway Apprentices Recruitment 2020. you can see published notices. Please share this information with your friends and help them and visit daily on our website for daily employment.
Important Dates of South Eastern Railway Recruitment 2020 :–
- Application Begin : 04/01/2020
- Last Date for Apply Online : 03/02/2020 upto 05 PM Only.
- Pay Exam Fee Last Date: 06/02/2020
- Merit List Released : 13/02/2020
- Document Verification : 28/02/2020